Sunday, August 9, 2015

Who or What is God

Jesus said "God is soul, and Soul is God. Not the soul that is in the created man, but the Soul that is Deity and self-existence, without beginning or ending, and Whose entity is the one great fact in the universe of being. 

God is without form but nevertheless, He is of form, which only the soul perception of the soul of a man which has arrived at certain degree of development, that is taken on the Divine nature of the Father and thus became a part the Soul of God, can realize as an entity.

God is back of force and principle and law, which are only expressions of His being, and which without Him could not exist; and they are only existences, changeable, dependent and subject to the will of God, who only, is Being.

God is Soul, composed of His greatest attribute, Divine Love, which is His very nature and essence, followed by Mercy, Goodness, Power, Omniscience, Will, and Mind. Although God has no form such as He gave to mankind on incarnation, nor a spirit body, which is manifested by man after his physical death, yet God possess His definite form, which becomes more clearly perceptible to the soul which feels or perceives God's Oversoul, or the divine attributes thereof, as it comes into close rapport with God through its soul development. For while God is Soul alone, unique in its Oneness, and while He has no material or spirit body, yet He has personality, the divine personality manifesting His Love and Mercy, His kindness and solitude for all His creatures. God, then, is not a cold intellect, an abstract mind, or force indifferent and unfeeling, but a personal warm and loving Father, eager for the happiness of His children, regardless of race or color or creed. He seeks through His ministering angels to turn His children to Him, and have them keep in harmony with His laws, or have them come to Him in longing of their human souls for that something they know not what and obtain at-onement with Him through the inflowing of His Divine Love into their souls in response to their earnest prayers. Soul is God and God is Soul and all His attributes added together do not make up who and what God is".

God was always existent - a Being without beginning, which idea the finite mind cannot grasp, but it is true; and so also everything which is in the universe today always existed, though not in form and composition as they now are; and as they are they will not continue to be, for change eternal is the law of His universe whether they be material or ethereal.

Creation of Heaven and Earth

God never created anything out of nothing, but His creation, such as are perceived by and known by man, were merely the change or composition of what had already existed, and always will exist as elements, though there will undoubtedly be changes in form and appearance and in constituent elements in their relation to one another.

Now, the earth did not always have an existence, as an earth, and neither did the firmament and the great galaxy of planets and stars, but they were not created out of nothing, and neither was there chaos, for in God's economy of being there is never any chaos, which if it should be, would mean the absence of the working of His laws and harmony.
But the earth and the firmament were created - at one time they had no existence as such, and at a coming time they may cease to have such existence. And this creation was in an orderly way, according to design, with no elements of change entering into it; and such creation was not through what your wise men may call accretion or evolution- that is self evolution- for every new or additional exponent of growth or manifestation of increase was the result of God's laws, which he operated in the creation of the creature.
Man, in his creation was from the beginning made perfect, with the exception of Divinity and Immortality. Man was created the perfect man. His physical body was perfect, and also his spiritual body and his soul.
Man in his creation, had bestowed upon him appetites and desires pertaining to his physical nature, as well as desires of his higher or spiritual nature, and they were all intended to work in harmony and not in antagonism, and in such workings, man was kept pure and free from sin - which is merely the violation of God's laws of harmony. But after the first disobedience, which in the greatest demonstration of the power of man to exercise that will, even when God forbade him not to do so, and after man lost this great potentiality, succeeding disobedience become easier.
But as man on earth continued to degenerate and to permit, what is sometimes called his animal nature to dominate his spiritual nature, many men died and continue to die , and their physical bodies went back to the dust of which they were created, and their spiritual selves became inhabitants of the spirit world, where they were freed, in a larger or shorter time, from the desires to exercise these animal appetites and the spiritual part of man again asserted itself, until many of these spirits became free from sin and evil and in harmony with the laws of God, controlling their natures and conditions as they existed before their degeneracy and before the disobedience commenced.
As a man progresses in the spirit world, he learns that there is an even greater possibility than just developing his spiritual self and soul to its original purity and that is to obtain God's Divine Love bestowed upon him. God's Divine Love takes the soul to the Celestial heaven that is above the spirit world. Man in the Celestial heaven partake of the essence of God, His Divine Love and immortality. There is no guarantee that a spirit in the spirit world will have immortality bestowed on him, and the opportunity to be in the Celestial heaven without God's Divine Love in him because at some point, the Celestial heaven will be closed to him.
In order for man to have God's Divine Love bestowed upon him is very simple, men shall believe with all the sincerity of their minds and souls that this Great Love of the Father is waiting to be bestowed upon each and all of them, and that when they come to the Father in faith and Ernest aspersions, this love will not be withheld from them, and in addition to this belief, pray with all the earnestness and longing of their soul that He open their souls to the inflowing of God's Divine Love, and that then may come to them the Holy Spirit to bring this Love into their souls in such abundance that their souls may be transformed into the very Essence of the Father's Love.
Jesus mission taught the transformation of man's soul from the image of God - the work of the original creation of man - into the very essence of God through the bestowal of the Father's Love upon whosoever should seek that Love in Ernest longing. This was the Good News that Jesus taught along with moral and ethical conduct.

Before I get to the creation of man, I want to say a few words about the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit is that part of God's Spirit that manifests His presence and care in conveying to men's soul God's Divine Love. St. lucky, an apostle of Jesus, says "the Holy Spirit is not God and no part of the Godhead, but merely His messenger of Truth and Love emanating from his Great Soul and bring to man Love and Light and Happiness". Whenever the Holy Spirit is spoken of it should mean only that part of God's Spirit which transforms the soul of men into the Soul of God in its Quality and Love. The Holy Spirit while a part of the Spirit of God yet distinctive as is the soul of man is distinctive from other creatures of God; it is that part of God's Spirit that has to do with the relationship of God's Soul and man's soul, exclusively.

The subject of Its operation is the Divine Love of the Father's Soul and object of Its Workings is the soul of man, and the great goal to be reached by Its operation is the transforming of the soul of man into the Substance of the Father's Love, with Immortality as a necessary accompaniment. This is the great miracle of the universe; and so high and sacred and merciful is the transformation, that we call that part of God's Spirit, the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the instrument of the Father to bring God's Love into the soul of man, happiness and work to bring harmony with themselves as when the were first created.

Man's Creation

Man's Creation

When man was created he was made two fold - that is there were no male or female beings - which was intended to make a perfect one without losing any individuality on the part of either. Their names were not Adam and Eve, but Aman and Amon, which meant the male Am and female Am. Am means the exalter creation of God.

These beings were made perfect physically and spiritually. But these souls were not possessing of all the qualities of the Great Creator Soul, and in that particular were inferior to the Greater Creator. But as regards this soul part of their creation, they were made in the image of their Creator. The physical or spiritual part of their creation was not in the image of their Creator, for He had no physical or spiritual body. But their soul part was only made in the image of their Creator - and not of the substance - but this image was given a potentiality of obtaining or receiving the Substance of the soul qualities of their Creator and provided, if they pursued that course in their existence or living which would cause their souls to receive in accordance with certain operations of the laws which their Creator Soul had prescribed, this soul Substance. And only in obedience to these laws or their operations could the Substance of the Creator Soul, be obtained.

Well, these creatures were not equal to the test, or requirements, and after living awhile they became possessed of the idea that they needed not to comply with these prescribed laws, but could of their own will and power obtain this (Substance of God) by doing that which had been forbidden by these laws to do, and so in their efforts to obtain this Substance or Divine Love they disobeyed these laws, and, as a consequence, these potentialities of obtaining the Substance of the Creator Soul were taken from them, and they became beings still possessed of spiritual and physical forms and continued souls, but not of these great potentialities- and this was the fall of man.

The story of the Apple is a myth. No apple or anything else that was intended to be eaten, formed any part of the fall. It was wholly the fall of the soul's potentialities.

So you see the story of Genesis is merely symbolic.

The disobedience was the great unlawful desire on the part of these two. The soul substance that these two forfeited was the Divine Love of the Creator, which had they by their obedience became possessed of, would have made them a part of His Divinity, and hence like Him not only in image but in Substance and reality.

The spirit world provides a spirit with the opportunity to develop their natural love to its purest level as it was originally given to man at his creation.

Therefore, no spirit before the coming of Jesus, could possibly progress higher than the highest sphere, in the spirit world, where his natural love and intellectual development existed in their greatest degree of perfection.

Friday, July 10, 2015

Spiritual Path ?

Quote from Dan Millman's book "The Journey of Socrates"

When I was young, I believed that life
Might unfold in an orderly way, according to my hopes and expectations.
But now I understand that the Way winds like a river,
Always changing, ever onward, following God's gravity
Towards the Great Sea of Being.
My journey revealed that
The Way itself created the warrior;
That every path leads to peace,
And that life has always been,
And will always be,
Arising in mystery.

Are these words that you can relate to? Perhaps they are . . . Perhaps not. I wrote a poem and wound like to read it to you as an further introduction to my subject this after noon  titled Spiritual Path?

A path of light
A path of joy and happiness
A path of spiritual awakening

Filled with a multitude of ups and downs
Criss-crossing the paths of others.
Searching for the one that is right
Overflowing with love and compassion

A striving for perfection, but fail to acquire
Working and working to no avail.
Bumping into every obstacle
Longing for relief
And hoping for the best

Making our way thru life not knowing where to turn
To find that which We believed We lost
But never did

Here We are and so it be
We've found our path so great

Right here inside of us where it needs to be
A spiritual path of never ending joy.

What kind of path are you walking on? Is it made of snow, dirt, sand, stones or perhaps concrete? Did you leave any foot prints behind?

When we look at a field full of newly fallen snow we see a beautiful carpet of whiteness that sparkles in the sun light. Then the children come out and start running in the snow creating paths and foot prints that criss-cross each other. Some of the paths appear to be overlapping one another or two paths or more side by side. Some of the children's paths seem to go in circles for a while then moving from one circle to another finding themselves in a rut that they can not seem to get out of. However, the path that each child makes is unique to him/her and can be followed from start to finish. 

The overlapping and side by side paths show the close relationship that one person has for another. Two individuals or more walking together and yet separate in every way. We live our lives as individuals who have earned the right to express ourselves in our own way. We not only live different lives that is due to our constantly changing will, motivations, efforts and habits. Our way, for us, is the only way. In fact, a persons personal definition of there individuality define who they are and no one can say that he/she is right or wrong. 

What about our spiritual path? Are we really on a path? Or is it just a metaphor that we've heard that sounds good to us?

I believe it is true that when we think about our spirituality and spiritual growth we can say that we really are on a spiritual path. A path that it is an outward expression of our love for God and the indwelling Holy Spirit. Our life is an expression of our divinity ─ the God within. We strive to let God's love shine forth from our very heart and soul so that all who come in contact with us knows that here is a true son/daughter of God. One filled to over flowing with God's love.

True spirituality is an expression of God's love in us through our divine nature ─ the God within. And true spirituality is an expression of going from knowing about God to knowing God personally

As a spiritual person we will always choose to do good towards others while the materialistic person will always choose what is satisfying to him/herself ─ the ego self. The materialistic person only believes in what will make him or her happy or better than another person.

Should we be striving to be just like another person? No.

We go through life learning and experiencing a multitude of life's challenges and making decisions that are unique to us. 

We call our life experiences parts of the path that we are on, Parts that makes us who we are. A unique individual amongst 7 billion others.

Spirituality is being able to express God's love in and through us ever striving for spiritual perfection. To be God/Christ like in everything we do and say. It doesn't matter whether we go to church and Sunday school each week. Even though going to church is a reflection of our religious side and may help us be a better person spiritually.

True spirituality is a striving to do unto others as we would have them do unto us. We also strive to love our neighbor as ourselves.

If we can daily practice giving to others a little love and compassion, we have come a long way in being a true spiritual person living a spiritual life not a religious life.

Our physical life path ends with us taking up residence in the Spirit World. And there we will continue to experience and prosper our spirituality that is unique to us, ever growing to perfection. We will then enter into the abode of God with a pure heart filled with God's love.

There is no other person just like you or me and our spiritual paths meet and criss-cross each other's so that we can help each other grow spiritually.

We can and do walk our spiritual paths together and the path which makes the most coherent sense becomes the correct one for ourself.

Silver Birch said "You cannot be given immunity from the difficulties and problems of your daily life. That is why you are on earth, to encounter them, to overcome them and to emerge triumphant, stronger in character and in spirit".

Sent from my iPad

Thursday, June 18, 2015

90 Minutes in Heaven

One of the most amazing stories I've read is Don Piper's story of 90 minutes in Heaven.  It's a story that all Christians and non-Christians alike should read.

Attached is a copy of the web site where you can download a free copy of his book.

Please do so.


Saturday, May 30, 2015

Summer Delights

Summers here warm and bright
Days filled with opportunities
A time to spread our wings 
To enjoy what God has given us.

Summer is that time of year when we can get out doors. The air is warm, some times hot, but always providing what we missed just a few months ago.

The trees are in full leaf and the farmers fields are getting greener by the day.

Rivers and lakes are a swimmers delight while other people go boating, camping, golfing or hiking in mountains and woods. Let's take a trip and even go horse back riding in a national park and enjoy what nature has provided for our enjoyment.

Summer, the one time of year when city folks can visit provinces, states and other countries basking in the delights that are unique to each. A time to visit the far north and enjoy uniqueness of the people and marvel at the multitude of artistic hand made goods that are not only beautiful but practical. Something unique to enjoy for years to come.

Summer, a time for the reenactment of famous battles between the men who brought freedom to our great land. Let's celebrate the men and women who gave all they had for home and country.

A million things to do and so little time to do it all. Not to worry, what we don't do this summer we can plan on doing next year.

Get out there and enjoy. Summer only last but a few short months.

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Do I do it or not?

It was a long life, 80 years and counting. He didn't know what happened but here he was sitting on the edge of a cliff. He didn't know how he got there, but he did know what he was about to do....

Why does any one contemplate suicide? Is it because of excess stress in a person's life? Or maybe depression that developed over many years? He really didn't know, but somehow, he decided to end it all.

Thankfully their was a woman who just happened to be out for a long walk and came upon him. He told her his name and she told him hers. It so happened that they were neighbors for several years but had never met. She had been married but her husband died a few years earlier and she was now alone. He, of course, was divorced and lived alone. They talked about the weather, their kids and some other nonsense. 

As they talked, he began to feel better and kinda decided not to end his life that day. He then asked her if she would like to have lunch with him - she said yes.

It's funny how when we are at our most vulnerable state in life someone comes along to help us over come our problems. It could be a smile from a stranger or a pat on the back by a friend. What ever it takes for a person to change their minds or turn away from a troubling situation happens at just the right moment.

Life can be as good or as bad as we make it out to be. If we choose it to be bad, it will be very bad. However, if we chose good, it can be very good taking us from being suicidal to being in a state of freedom. Freedom from stress or perhaps a state of depression that presses us to make wrong decision. Decisions that leads to more stress or intensifies our depressive state.

All too often people find themselves in a predicament that they just can't get out of easily. The person ask the question, that all of us has asked, at one time or another in our life. "How did I get myself into this predicament"? "Where did I go wrong".  

None of us wants to be in a situation where we contemplate suicide. There are just to many good things in life for us to experience. There is no need for us to to be anything but happy. Looking forward to being with friends and family. Experiencing the beauty a national park, boating with friends or just reading a good book.

It is up to us as to how we live our life and to minimize the dangers and pit falls that are all around us.

Look for the good things in life. Look for the good in people. Look for what can make us happy and embrace it with all our heart and mind and soul.

Share our findings with other people. When they see how happy we are, they want to be happy also. Our happiness flows from our innermost being with love that surrounds us and others changing our thoughts and expectations into pure joy. Why not? Our happiness is right here. Right where we are now and can be grasped in an instant. Go for the "gold" and make someone happy right now. You'll be surprised as to what you can do for yourself and them.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Bible lesson

My son's Bible lesson he prepared for his youth group April 2015.

I read a review on Mike Bickle. I think it's perfectly fine for someone to have a different interpretation of eschatology. I also think it's ok to be a little flexible using our best understanding of the culture, language, knowledge of the author, and the context of what and when the book was written. When it comes to the prophetic, and the pursuit of the prophetic, I am very cautious. For the Word says:

Preach the word of God. Be prepared, whether the time is favorable or not. Patiently correct, rebuke, and encourage your people with good teaching. For a time is coming when people will no longer listen to sound and wholesome teaching. They will follow their own desires and will look for teachers who will tell them whatever their itching ears want to hear. They will reject the truth and chase after myths. But you should keep a clear mind in every situation. Don’t be afraid of suffering for the Lord. Work at telling others the Good News, and fully carry out the ministry God has given you. (‭2 Timothy‬ ‭4‬:‭2-5‬ NLT)

I listen to a lot of the prophetic. Probably more than I should sometimes. Even the prophetic that may be of the enemy can give us an idea of what's going on. As the verses speak of above, I am learning that although the prophetic is interesting, I need to focus and teach the Good News and not change nor alter the Word in any way. For Jesus is the Word (John 1:14), the Way, the Truth and the Light. People love quoting John 3:16, but they don't read it in context. 

“For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. God sent his Son into the world not to judge the world, but to save the world through him. “There is no judgment against anyone who believes in him. But anyone who does not believe in him has already been judged for not believing in God’s one and only Son. And the judgment is based on this fact: God’s light came into the world, but people loved the darkness more than the light, for their actions were evil. All who do evil hate the light and refuse to go near it for fear their sins will be exposed. But those who do what is right come to the light so others can see that they are doing what God wants. ” (‭John‬ ‭3‬:‭16-21‬ NLT)

It says "anyone who does not believe in him has already been judged".  As well, satan believes in Jesus, but he doesn't "... come to the light". It's also too late for him:
Judgment will come because the ruler of this world has already been judged. (‭John‬ ‭16‬:‭11‬ NLT)

1Co 12 tells us to pursue the gifts. I fear too many see the gifts for their own self and not for His glory. That is why I have stop pursuing the gifts and and focusing on the gospel.  If He so chooses, if and when (if ever) I'm ready in His eyes, the gifts will come:

Put on your new nature, and be renewed as you learn to know your Creator and become like him. In this new life, it doesn’t matter if you are a Jew or a Gentile, circumcised or uncircumcised, barbaric, uncivilized, slave, or free. Christ is all that matters, and he lives in all of us. (‭Colossians‬ ‭3‬:‭10-11‬ NLT)

I love the Word! All those years I lost searching for the Truth.  I studied and read so much, ignore the Bible all that time believing the lie.  All that ever gave me was the "mental ascent" I craved, but was left all the more empty. It was only when I read the Word that I learned the Truth and received the Holy Spirit; praise God!

Geesh, it's after 12:30. Gotta go to bed.

Hope you decide to accept my challenge one day to read the New Testament with me. Perhaps we could do a chapter a day and share our thoughts by Email.  



High above the white washed sand stands a lone person.
Could that person be you?

No, it's an illusion of the most wonderful type 
This is a place for the lonely 
A world filled with light.

Lite drives out the negative and and washes away the loneliness.
To conquer all in its bid for the person of its charge.
Let the light shine where it will, for it brings love
to the heart of the lonely one.

Friday, March 27, 2015

Where are We?

The past catches us unaware.
It chips away at us for hour, days and weeks.
We don't understand what's happening to us, and yet,
We have that knowing that is always there.
Our lives are filled with despair ever searching for relief.

We know that there is more to our life than past mistakes, or outlandish wonderings.

Tomorrow is another day, but what kind of a day will it be? We don't know but hope for the best.

Starting from the beginning we strive to do all that we can to bring a little joy, love and happiness into to our lives. We forget that we are only one in the multitude of billions. Our life is worthy of every challenge that comes our way. We embrace it with all our being charging into it with enthusiasm knowing that we have what it takes to over come any obstacle in our way.

It is our nature to solve problems and remove obstacles that we encounter in our daily life. Once we encounter a problem, we start working on it by calling upon the knowledge we've gained from the influence of our parents, friends and society in general and knowledge gained through our education. We even use knowledge we have gained through radio and television programs.

You create your own reality and take personal responsibility for it. Your life is a reflection of who you are and the experiences that you, as a soul, planned for in this life.

Saturday, March 14, 2015


Can there be any season that brings us so much as spring? That time of year when life in the Northern hemisphere starts to awaken. The snow is melting exposing the browns, blacks and other colors of the earth.

The trees are budding and the gift of the maple tree is ready for wide eyed children and the elderly alike. The sugar shack, the horse drawn wagons and the many trees with buckets hanging from them.

I've watched the squirrels playing in the snow all winter chasing each other up and down their trees as they go for their stash of winter food. What a delight!

Like so many, I look forward to seeing the flowers of spring forcing their way through the thawing earth as they search for the warmth of the sun. Not only does the earth awaken but all life in general. We look for the day when we can retire our snow shoes and winter coats and just enjoy being out in the warmth of the sun.

Spring is also a time when those of us afraid to slip and fall on icy sidewalks can now get out for a safe walk and go to church to be with friends once again. The snow birds are returning from Florida and the robins and those pesky gulls. It's ok mister gull I know you have a right to be here as you are a part of God’s children of the air. Dig out those spring clothes, dust off the roller skates and get ready for summer vacations and lots of friends gathering around the picnic table. It's a time of sharing with special friends and family. How about a softball game or a friendly game of football? Let's go swimming? Or maybe to grandma’s for some special family get together.

We have so much to be thankful for and Mother Nature’s seasons have their special offerings that delight us and challenge us in many ways. Let's get together and have some fun. 


Faith has brought me here 
It gave me the courage to preserver
Faith took me to greater heights and
Showed me the way

Faith was all I had and nothing else was needed
It led me to achieve the Unachievable
It gave me the opportunity to go the last mile
It strengthened me and gave me hope
Faith is all I need to get where I want to be

And faith will forever help me when nothing else will

Webster describes faith as a “Complete confidence in a person or plan.” 

And faith is more than just a vague belief in a person or plan. Faith is personal. Faith gives us the courage to go ahead with our plans believing that God will be there to help us.  It can make the difference between succeeding or failing in a project, family planning, a trip around the world, being able to sing or talk in front of a thousand people, and much much more.

Faith took my parents my three brothers and sister and me to live in California in May of 1952.

When I was in my senior year of high school I had to make a decision as to whether I would go to junior college to become a electronic engineering technician or go to college to become a missionary or minister, I went to junior college. It would take another 45 years for me to be ready for ordination.

God in His infinite wisdom knew that it would take a long time for me to over come the multitude of childhood problems I didn't know I had, before I could be ordained. It actually took me being divorced for me to really start dealing with my childhood problems.

Let me give you an idea as to what I had to do to be ordained.

In the mid 1980s I started taking mediumship development courses with Rev. Marylyn Rosner at the Spiritual Science Fellowship in Montreal. In the mid 1990s I left the SSF and started attending a church in Montreal north that also had a ministry program.

I took mediumship development courses, healing work shops and a number of other types of workshops that were required for ordination. In the late 1990s and early 2000s, at the church in Montreal north, I worked with another student on Thursday nights learning how to conducting devotional church service and using my mediumship gift.  After a few more years I became a Licensed Minister. One step below ordination. However, the church didn't teach me anything about Spiritualism.

In 2003 I learned from a minister friend about the National Spiritualist Association of Churches (NSAC) in the U. S.

The National Spiritualist Association of Churches has several educational programs conducted by the Morris Pratt Institute in Wisconsin. I learned that I could take home study courses from Morris Pratt Institute in Modern Spiritualism that would prepare me for ordination. I signed up. 

During the time I started courses with Morris Pratt I continued taking courses at the church in Montreal north. The first course I took with Morris Pratt was a Course in The History of Modern Spiritualism that was based on Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's two volumes Books on The History of Modern Spiritualism. I then signed up for their 30 lesson Course in Modern Spiritualism. After completing the Course in Modern Spiritualism I then attended the NSAC's Course in Pastoral Skills. 

A few years later I learned that I could not be ordained by the NSAC because I lived in Canada and I had to be sponsored by a Spiritualist Church in the U. S.. And I could not be a member of any other church or association in Canada. At that time I was a member of the Spiritualist Church of Canada and a member of the Spiritualist church in Montreal north. What to do? Well, I presented to the Montreal church the course work I took with the Morris Pratt Institute. After attended for 8 years the Montreal church's ministry course. they refused to ordain me. However, not all was at a loss. Rev. Robert Johnstone knew of my work and I asked him to ordain me. Bob ordained me at my house in Boucherville Quebec in May 2007 and a number of my friends were there as witnesses. 

Two years later I applied to the Spiritualist Church of Canada (SCC) for ordination by them. The SCC accepted my certifies and studies with Morris Pratt to be ordained and after two years as a member of the Spiritualist Church of Canada and completing a requirement they had that I needed, I was ordained by them. 

It took a lot of faith and 30 years of hard work and 45 year after leaving high school for me to be ordained.

God is the source of all faith and it is faith in Him and our abilities that makes the difference between success or failure in this world. It was through faith that I became ordained. 

Some would say that we planned our present life while in the Spirit World and lessons we would achieve to the smallest detail. The question is why would we need to incarnate, if we already new the lessons our life here had for us. However, if we believe that we only planned our lessons for our life here, but not the particulars required to learn those lessons, then it would be up to us to make the decisions necessary to fulfill those lessons.

It is through the multitude of challenges and decisions that we have to make in our daily life that we fulfill our lessons here. 

We are all on a spiritual path serving our fellow man/woman as a son, daughter, owner of a company, salesman, engineer, or in what ever capacity we are trained and able to perform. It is by faith that we are able to accomplish the impossible in our lives and help others along the way.

Faith gives us a reason to live and gives us the desire to develop the methods and steps that are necessary in the development of our spiritual selves and to meet the challenges of everyday life.

Faith is what is needed to accomplish our lessons here and God changes our faith into reality.

Prophets verses Mediums Messages

Not long ago I encountered a Christian pastor who condemned me for being a fully ordained Spiritualist minister and medium. He wanted to come to my house and persuade to give up my gift that I have had from the day I was born. That pastor also wanted to convert me to his beliefs; being a born again Christian. I did not let him come to my house.

The argument about where a person get his/her inspiration and who he believes in in his/her heart is the source of their inspiration will never be settled by arguing about the subject. I know who I believe in and my relationship to Him, God. 

I could not be a Spiritualist if I didn't accept our first principle I believe in "The fatherhood God.

Weather or not messages come from God, the Holy Spirit or the Spirit World of Light makes little difference. If a person is Christian oriented, or a member of a large denominational church, he/she will believe that the prophetic message originated from God. A Christian prophet will always give a message to a church congregation that is Christian in nature.

If a person is a member of a Spiritualist church then the messages given in church well be a message that is up lifting and providing inspiration and help to the recipient so that he/she is able to make better/right decisions. A Spiritualist medium will often give a person a message from a love one who has transitioned to the Spirit World by proving proof of continuity of life. That is not to say that a Christian prophet's message can be the same thing.

The question is about where the message is said to come from and the nature of the message. This is the crux of all messages given by a prophet or medium.

As a Spiritualist, I fully expect the source of the message to be from the Spirit World of Light, God or even the Holy Spirit, and for my highest good.

Christians will always condemn a Spiritualist and claim that their messages are from a demonic being and not to be accepted.

For the Spiritualists, he/she will accept the message from a Christian prophet as quickly as they would a Spiritualist medium. Spiritualist know that people in the Spirit World of Light are NOT demonic and would never give a demonic type of message.

All Spiritualists mediums always prey before giving messages or readings in order to protect themselves from "earth bound" negative spirits. The Christian prophet believes he/she doesn't have to prey for protection because they believe they are already protected by just being a Christian. The fact is, human being are naturally protected and really don't need to make special prayers. However, Spiritualist mediums know all about human nature, and choose to be on the safe side by making a short prayer before giving messages.

Where do you stand on the subject? Do you accept all messages you receive from a Spiritualist medium without question? I hope you weigh the message as to its source and the nature of the message. Is the message for your highest good?

Problem Solved

The past catches us unaware. 
It chips away at us for hour, days and weeks. 
We don't understand what's happening to us, and yet, 
We have that knowing that is always there. 
Our lives are filled with despair ever searching for relief. 
We know that there is more to our life than past mistakes, or outlandish wonderings.

Tomorrow is another day, but what kind of a day will it be? We don't know but hope for the best.

Starting from the beginning we strive to do all that we can to bring a little joy, love and happiness into to our lives. We forget that we are only one in the multitude of billions. Our life is worth every challenge that comes our way. We embrace it with all our being charging into it with enthusiasm knowing that we have what it takes to over come any obstacle in our way.

It is our nature to solve problems and remove obstacles that we encounter in our daily life. Once we encounter a problem, we start working on it by calling upon the knowledge we've gained from the influence of our parents, friends and society in general and even applying our knowledge gained through our education. We even use knowledge we have gained through radio and television programs.

Monday, February 23, 2015

Our Path

When we look at a field full of newly fallen snow we see a carpet of whiteness that sparkles in the sun. Then the children start running in that snow. What happened? The children leave foot prints that had a start and moved throughout the field of snow; leaving a path that could be followed from start to finish and unique to one child's path through the snow. Even if another child ran on the same foot prints of another child, the observer can see that the children foot prints are not the same.

What kind of path are you walking on? Is it made of dirt or stones or perhaps concrete? Did you leave any foot prints behind? I think I know what kind of a path your on. I think it's a spiritual path. Or is it some other kind of path?

Each one of us are walking on a path that no other person has walked on crisscrossing the paths of other people. Our life is filled with experiences. We think that many have walked the same path before us and have had the same experiences, could this be true, but we are walking a path that is unique to us. No two people can walk in the same path because we are all different individuals even though we have the same physical make up.

You and me are individuals who experience life differently. I cannot be you and you cannot be me. My likes and dislikes are unique to me. Even my education and training from birth are different from yours. Even my brothers and sister are greatly different than mine even though we were raised in the same household with the same parents.

Should we be striving to be just like another person? No, because we don't live in their body..

We go through life learning and experiencing a multitude of information that is stored away for a time when it's needed, it's available. Each person experiences are unique to them. No other person on earth experiences exactly the same experience even though they witnessed the same incident. When a dozen people are asked to describe what they saw or experienced, they all have similar stories to tell, but not exactly as the others.

We call our life experiences parts of our path that we are on that makes us who we are. A unique individual whose experiences are totally our own. 

Life would be dull if we all experienced exactly the same thing in exactly the same way.

Our physical life path ends with us taking up residence in the Spirit World, but we remain the same person there as here on earth. In the Spirit World we will continue to experience and prosper that which is unique to us. There is no other person just like you, me.