Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Something to think about


Thought has the same relation to the mind as the wind has to the process of setting the mind into action.

Thought are the links between invisible substance and the visible form. For thought is a tangible substance and, united with will, is a projectile.


It is some times erroneously believed that psychic senses are extensions of the physical ones. They are in reality, soul senses, for the spiritual body has faculties analogous to its physical counterpart.

Clairvoyant people can easily see across oceans and continents, into closed boxes, sealed packets, etc. Clairvoyant persons can hear at any distance, and also hear thoughts as distinct as if spoken audibly. These faculties enable one to see and hear what is positively obscure, unseen and unheard by the physical senses. Some people exercise their psychic power naturally and freely, while others their activity is entirely dormant. By means of telepathy that we can communicate with the dwellers on the Other side.


What is truth? Truth is an emanation of the deity. Truth is the accurate verity and reality. It is the understanding by the mind of that which actually is. It is the unchangeable amid the unchangeable, the substance behind the shadow, the permanent within the transient form. Truth is a constant, not a variant. It cannot be added to or diminished from its sum total.

Each mind sees the truth, distorted through its own medium. Since men are in diverse stages of unfoldment and their minds enshrouded in various degrees of ignorance, it is necessary to have different aspects of truth. Hence, the importance of being tolerant with those who choose to worship God different than we do. All truth leads to the same goals, and all religions and philosophies which have stood the test of time contain some element of truth, otherwise they would have perished.


It is true that all which happens to man is in accordance with law, as there is no such thing as chance or accident; every event is adamantly linked to a preceding cause and to a subsequent effect. But that man is devoid of volition and a puppet in the hands of a higher power is contrary to logic and contradictory to Divine Nature. It is debasing the Deity to think that we are enmeshed in the web of life, futilely trying to extricate ourselves like flies entangled in a spider's weaving. This implies that our efforts for progression and advancement are amusing to the Ruler of the Universe. Such a concept makes God a lower creature than man; for no earthly father would hold his children in bondage when he had the power to free them.
What is the will? Is it a primary or secondary urge? Will is the self in action. Wherever there is true volition, there the ego is expressing itself.

Some assume that, because God is omniscient and knows what men will do, there is no possibility of free will. God's omniscience does not preclude men's exercise of choice any more than children are deprived of freedom because their parents usually know quite well how they will react under different circumstances.

And this is certain, if only God's will prevailed on earth, it would be a paradise. But, simultaneously with men's exercise of their will began the existence of evil. For evil is not a person, but a force created for good, but which can be used for malevolent purposes. Man's perverted use of this force has brought into the world suffering, sorrow, misery, disease, war, pestilence and all manner of ungodly conditions. And these creations of man's volition will exist as long as he persists in blindly pursuing his erring way.

No perspicacity is required to realize that absolute free will without absolute wisdom would be an unmitigated curse; the worst conceivable calamity which God could impose upon man. When we consider what man in his ignorance has done with limited will and power, just the thought of what would happen had he absolute free will fills one with apprehension and terror. But God is merciful and, in His infinite love and wisdom, limits and controls man's freedom of action.

As men grow in spiritual stature, they gradually see the folly of independent action and submit to Divine guidance. And, in relinquishing their will, they are directed by the influence of that Higher Wisdom and molded and guided into the path of true happiness.

The soul is perfect in its pure essence. It is from its union with matter alone that all the imperfections, error and evil arise; but these do not affect its inner germ essence, for they are not its cause, which is the Absolute and Supreme Intelligence, which is God. The soul is responsible for its desires and for its choice of actions, and for this reason God established causes and effects. The soul, being immortal, came from God and must return to that Great Soul from which it issued. But as it was given to man pure and undefiled, free from all stain and error, it cannot ascend to that Celestial Abode until it shall have been refined and purified from all the evil it has wrought and all the errors and faults committed through its union with matter.


although the circumstances of the occurrence or miracles may appear unusual, they are never contrary to nature, but only contrary to nature as known to us, for everything that happens, or has happened, or will happen, can happen only through law. Also lack of knowledge creates a belief in miracles.
Intelligence or mind is master of natural law. A higher law can be employed to overrule and direct a lower one. Intelligence can override it, vary it, and use it however it will, and can make it work. Christ more than once hinted that, by an increase of power, ascendancy is gained over the lower and physical laws; that by faith, knowledge and power men may control things that are around them, just as the body can be made subservient to the mind power. Indications of it also pervade the history of the race down to our time.


From whence arise the vast disparities seen among men—the tremendous differences in ability, intelligence and morality? The answer is soul age. Men are on different rungs of life's evolutionary ladder, manifesting diverse degrees of unfoldment, and never on earth or elsewhere will all men be on the same level of mental, moral and spiritual development.

Nature's Author being no respecter of persons, creates all men equal and unlike, and men's differences date from the time of their involutionary pilgrimage into matter, not from the time of physical birth. At this time souls already are endowed with definite personalities, marked characteristics, developed talents and pronounced sympathies and antipathies. Moreover, immense gulfs often separate their moral, mental and spiritual acquirements. As all men are dissimilar but equally endowed, what is possible for one is possible for all; not contemporaneously, but eventually. Inasmuch as human nature is constant, no two men will ever be, or can be exactly alike.


Affinity is the force which keeps bodies together without any visible bonds and is inherent in all existing things. Affinity is the mind's law of attraction, and that we gravitate to where we belong is a truth recognized by proverbs of every country. "Like attracts like," "Birds of a feather flock together," "Water finds its own level," "Show me your company and I'll tell you what you are," all have reference to this universal law, for the mind is a magnet and draws to itself all things of like nature. We cannot attract that for which we have no inner response, no more than the needle of the compass can point in any direction except north.
Affinity is the cohesive force of all associations, and on the mental plane draws together people with similar ideas, ideals, interests and ambitions.


Individuality is the mental stamp we give our actions; we label everything with it. Every one of us has his own particular way of doing things; it is always unconsciously present and connected with everything we do.

Each individual will differ everlastingly from every other individual. There is no one type proper to all mankind. Human nature is organized and equipped for progression throughout the ages. Each faculty and quality of one's being is replete with an irresistible tendency to unfold in the direction of an endless career. Each individual will be developed in the likeness of its own interior character bequeathed by Father God and Mother Nature. There will be greater differences than we now have any idea of; we never have been the same and we shall be more different with the centuries.


"All reality exists in the mind. The outer phenomenon, that which appears, is only its outer expression. The visible universe is the reflection of the invisible," says Plato.

Friday, December 4, 2009

The Patient, the Healer and God

Healing comes to the sick in many ways. Some are healed through faith, some through the act of prayer, which is faith in action. Some are healed because the body has activated its own internal healing power. Can advanced cancer or other debilitating dis-eases be healed? Just what does it take for healing to take place?

In the healing classes of a certified healer, men and women are taught that the individual who is acting as the healer is just a channel between God and the patient. Is this all there is to healing; to have a person act as a channel for healing? No! The patient is just as much a part of the healing process as God, the healer (channel), and the patient. It is a threesome that works together to effectively produce the needed healing.

Few people today believe that God heals as he did in the days of Jesus. They are all wrong. God still heals as He did then. One must remember the words of Jesus when he said “the things I do you can do and greater things than these you can do.” So what does it take for healing to take place today?

It requires that the person acting as the healer truly understand that they are a channel for God’s healing energy. If the healer doesn’t believe that healing can take place through them, the healing energy is stopped from its flow. God can do little for the patient when the healer doesn’t believe that they are his channel.

Remember that it takes so little faith – the amount of faith represented by a mustard seed – so little, and yet so much. It is not the person acting as the healer that heals; it is God the source of all healing who does the healing. The channel MUST be open to the flow of God’s healing energy. The patient MUST know that they WILL receive the healing they desire, and be ready to accept it without question.

I hear of so many people today who are afflicted with cancer, and other diseases that lead to death of the physical body – diseases that can be stopped in their tracts. If only the patient understood that God wants them to be strong and healthy. "But, you say," However this one little word can make the difference between healing and the downward spiral to physical death.

The question is – Do you have faith, the knowing that healing takes place even today as it did two thousand years ago?