When we look at a field full of newly fallen snow we see a carpet of whiteness that sparkles in the sun. Then the children start running in that snow. What happened? The children leave foot prints that had a start and moved throughout the field of snow; leaving a path that could be followed from start to finish and unique to one child's path through the snow. Even if another child ran on the same foot prints of another child, the observer can see that the children foot prints are not the same.
What kind of path are you walking on? Is it made of dirt or stones or perhaps concrete? Did you leave any foot prints behind? I think I know what kind of a path your on. I think it's a spiritual path. Or is it some other kind of path?
Each one of us are walking on a path that no other person has walked on crisscrossing the paths of other people. Our life is filled with experiences. We think that many have walked the same path before us and have had the same experiences, could this be true, but we are walking a path that is unique to us. No two people can walk in the same path because we are all different individuals even though we have the same physical make up.
You and me are individuals who experience life differently. I cannot be you and you cannot be me. My likes and dislikes are unique to me. Even my education and training from birth are different from yours. Even my brothers and sister are greatly different than mine even though we were raised in the same household with the same parents.
Should we be striving to be just like another person? No, because we don't live in their body..
We go through life learning and experiencing a multitude of information that is stored away for a time when it's needed, it's available. Each person experiences are unique to them. No other person on earth experiences exactly the same experience even though they witnessed the same incident. When a dozen people are asked to describe what they saw or experienced, they all have similar stories to tell, but not exactly as the others.
We call our life experiences parts of our path that we are on that makes us who we are. A unique individual whose experiences are totally our own.
Life would be dull if we all experienced exactly the same thing in exactly the same way.
Our physical life path ends with us taking up residence in the Spirit World, but we remain the same person there as here on earth. In the Spirit World we will continue to experience and prosper that which is unique to us. There is no other person just like you, me.
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