Friday, July 4, 2014

You Know Me Not

You Know Me Not

You know me not
And scorn my being
I transcend all to know the One

I see His face and know His light
Where is your light that you should scorn me?
Knowing not that I'm all a flame to be
A sinner yet a rescued one 
Bound to the heights of everlasting light

I am who am I with out which you cannot know
For you see not what God has done

I leave your presents to be with the One
I leave so that the light will shine

I have had a number of people tell me that they know me “pretty well” when in reality they know very little about me. I say this because the other person does not live in my skin. They do not even live with me, so how can they say they know me? They know just what I'm willing to show them and that's all. 

I know that very few people know that I was born in Pennsylvania and lived in California for more than 25 years where I went to junior high, high school and junior college. Even fewer know that I went to university and have a bachelor’s degree and two graduate degrees.

I want to emphases that we cannot really know anybody even if we have lived with them all our life. People have secrets known only to them. Secrets, that if other people knew about would most likely put the person in jail or have them “shot at the post” for what they’ve done - not that this happens very often...

I could tell you all about my childhood in minute detail, but that would take the rest of my life to talk and write about and I would have to leave out 99% of the really good stuff that I don’t want anyone to know about. 

I am a person with likes, dislikes, opinions, a personal life philosophy and an education that is unique to me.  I've been in this world for more than 70+ years that started at the beginning of World War II. I started school in 1945 and have been studying ever since . Each day I learn something new. Something that helps me to be a better me.  It will take the rest of my physical life to unlearn much of what I've learned, and replace it all with truth.  At least the truth as I comprehend it.

The crux of this article is "knowing".  Is it possible for me to know the truth about life and all that it holds to be true? I don't know, but I'm trying.

I want to know that there really is a God who is the source of all creation. I want to know the true teachings of Christ. Not the words put into his month by theologians that claim he said. I want to know personally about whether aliens actually came to the planet earth and have been captured by various governments through out the world. I want to really know if there is any real truth to the teaching in the Bibles book of Revelation. Is the Bible a book filled with materialism or metaphors of highly spiritual information that in one way tells me that if I do certain things I'll be condemning myself to a life of sorrow and possibly sickness. But if I follow the another way I'll be healthy and happy for the rest of my life.  These are only a few of the things I think about and strive to find authoritative writers and people with the appropriate knowledge who can help me gain the understanding I'm looking for. It is not a question as to whether or not I've already made up my mind on some of the above questions, I have. But, getting the proof to backup my beliefs is the real problem.

The older I get, the more I want to know.  Is there enough time left to me in this world to know all that I want to know. Perhaps I'll require many incarnations in order to learn a bit at a time.

Do you know me? Where do you stand? Are you a person who wants to know truth as much as me? If so, what exactly do you want to know? 

I did a search on the Web and here are a few of the responses I got:

[The a Bible says "John 8:32 Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

You cannot find the truth by searching within yourself! Without a knowledge of the Scriptures, much of the truth you know you know is simply not so.

With the limited amount of knowledge and capacity we Do have we can make logical arguments which can give us partial truths, however it is impossible for us to know definitive truth in our current state.
Posted by: zelkova

We as human beings can know a close approximation, but the pure truth will always be a mystery to us. I say this because there will never come a point where we will be able to look at things with purely rational eyes, without any sort of blinker, blinder, or preconceptions. We as human beings are simply incapable of doing that.

Personal spiritual testimony is by far the most powerful evidence between knowing what is true, and what is just an idea dreamed up by a friend with good intentions.
(What is the truth. Com)]

It all boils down to "Truth is in the eye of the beholder". So, do you know me? Can you know me? Can you really know anyone? I wonder.

I've written two books that talk about the problems I've encountered in my life and some of the ways I've dealt with them.  The various articles in my books are short, a few paragraphs to several pages of information. My ideas, my thoughts and my solutions. Maybe some of those articles will even be helpful to you if you want to read them helping you to know a little more than you did before reading an article. I hope so.

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