Monday, July 7, 2014


By Ron Koch

Alone and filled with despair
Struck by the darkness all around
Filled with longing
Not knowing which way to turn
Life's so hard
Why the pain?

Is there hope in a land so bare
Full of life and yet so weak
Trodden down
Beaten and bleeding
Soaked in despair
Over run with sorrow
Where is my hope?

Longing for help
A person to talk to
Can you help?

What of tomorrow?
Will tomorrow bring me a better way?

I long for your touch
A touch of love in a time of need
Wrap your arms around me
Show me you care
Fill me with hope and a sense of better days to come

Alone but not alone you say
But why the condemnation of my beliefs?
We love the same God, the same Christ
But you see not my heart
Is there no way of convincing you I'm ok
But filled with despair and alone

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