Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Prophets and Seer

A prophet and seer is a person with a special gift that he/she uses to provide advice, inspiration, encouragement, and an over all sense of well being to the person inquiring of Him/her.  

A prophet is normally born with his/her gift and it developed over the years. However, the gift can be developed with the right training. In ancient Israel and Judea there were schools run by the Temple priest to train prophets that continued up to the destruction of the temple in 70 C.E..

Certain prophets in the Old Testament of the Bible were connected to the Kings court in order to give advice to the king from God in his daily administrations of his kingdom.

In the New Testament of the Bible, the meaning of the word prophet has two meanings. The first is likened to the prophets of the Old Testament and the second is as described in 1 Corinthians 14:3 "But everyone who prophesies speaks to men for their strengthening, encouragement and comfort". Is this not what a Spiritualist medium does?

As a medium, it is always my intention to give messages from spirit (God) and/or from deceased family member or friends of the living, that are up lifting and provide information to strengthening, encourage, comfort and that will help the recipient to make better decisions.

The Spiritualist medium is forbidden to make medical diagnosis, or give a person information concerning the time and place of there death, if the medium is given that kind of information from spirit. The medium can only give advice, in a round about way, that may prevent the death. For example, an automobile accident. The medium can only tell the recipient to be extra alert on such and such a date while driving his/her car, but give no specifics. As long as the medium is working to help people, they are performing their job correctly. One only needs to watch the television programs "The Long Island Medium" or "Angeles Among Us" to know how mediums in general work.

How any priest or "Christian" minister can say that Spiritualist mediumship is of the devil I don't know. Even though those ministers are always quoting the command of God, through the prophet Samuel, to King Saul not to go to a person with a familiar spirit. Saul did it anyhow and he paid with his life. Not because he went to a seer, but because he, Saul, didn't trust God to protect his kingdom.

In the New Testament, a woman went to a temple priest who was a prophet/ seer for advice. If hundreds of years after Saul's death, men and women were prophesying and giving people strengthening, encouragement and comfort through there prophesying, why not today?

As a person trains to become a medium in a Spiritualist church today, they spend months to years studying and working with certified mediums as a trainee before they receive any kind of certificate that says that they have proven themselves as a medium and are allowed to work in that capacity in a Spiritualist church or as a professional medium.

Are there fraudulent mediums today? Yes. Men and women who give what is referred to as "cold readings". They are people who know how to interview and listen to the inquirer before they even attempt to give a reading. One must be alert to this kind of person and not take another persons praise of that kind of so called medium. A person must look into the back ground of the medium and be extremely skeptical of what the medium tells them. That includes all mediums not just the cold reader.

A true Spiritualist medium normally works within a church and is associated with it when working as a professional medium.

What about Tarot card readers and normal card readers? Well, those people who do that kind of reading can be highly intuitive and give truly excellent readings. However, one must again, way the information carefully and then decide on its worth. The same goes for astrologers.

One must understand that the word prophet in the original Greek means "medium". A prophet of the Bible stood between God and man and that a medium is a person who stands between the world of spirit and humanity. God is a spirit. Jesus said so in John 4:24 of the Bible New Testament. 

We could argue for hours and thousands of pages of print and not settle the argument as to whether a prophet and Spiritualist medium are the same. You must decide for your self.

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