Friday, January 6, 2012


Time has a way of healing all the wrongs of the past and prepares us for a better tomorrow. Time changes everything from the way we live and work with people and how other people work with us. Changing situations through out time determines how we react to those changes. Even though time maybe a man made thing, it is something that we cannot avoid or stop.

Time helps us to coordinate everything in our life so that everything works together for our highest good; exactly when it should. If we didn’t have time, we would still require some other means of determining when we are to perform certain tasks and get them done when expected.

As a result of our relationship to time, we try to make the best of every situation we encounter in our life and learn from it. Time helps us to understand what happened in our life and when it actually happened.

Time allows us to grow spiritually as we grow physically. One person wrote that there are five developmental stages to our spiritual awakening. The article demonstrated how we begin as infants and progress through adulthood. By using time as a platform, the writer was able to show the various stages of spiritual growth and how it affects us throughout our lives.

As spiritual beings we are expected to act in certain ways which is normally the ways perceived by others – right or wrong. However, time has a way of setting us on the right track helping us make the right choices that keep things moving. This means that being spiritual in a time of change can be challenging and rewarding at the same time. The challenge is to make the right decisions at the right time and follow through on them. Time shows that right decisions have their own rewards – a job well done, satisfaction, pleasure…

Does time hold all the answers? For some, yes, but we must do our part to insure that we understand the rule time plays in our life and what is expected of us. Time is indeed a true healer, but only if we let it.

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