Two hundred eighty million years ago man emerged from his cave to look at the world around him. He saw that it was a beautiful world with plenty of life all around. There were birds flying in the air, animals of all kinds roaming around the land eating the grasses while the young played young animal games.
It was a time when the only thing that man had to worry about was where he would get his next meal. Man, however, new that he only had to walk a short distance to get what he needed. Life was simple then. Man had no worries except that he had to avoid the wild animals that would eat him believing that he, Man, was nothing more than food.
Today, Man still has the same needs. He still has to eat in order to survive in this world. He still has to be aware of wild animals that would eat him as food if he is not careful while roaming in the wild. But Man does not have to roam the wild any more. He only has to walk to a market to get the food he needs. He only has to walk a short distance to get almost anything he desires.
Man is an extremely resourceful being, able to use his brainpower to continuously create and come up with new products and ideas for the betterment of his fellowman. This is his way of contributing to life, and Man is constantly presented with requirements that require him to develop the methodology to produce. It doesn’t matter what it may be from a piece of paper to the tallest building in the world, man has to develop the methods that will end in a completed product.
Some would even say that man developed from protoplasm or an ameba, a small microscopic thing that has no real brain. No real purpose but to survive in its own special environment. But an ameba is just an ameba. It never develops into something greater. The same kinds of amebas have been in existence since this world was formed and is still an ameba. If it could develop into something else man would be able to observe it happening.
When scientists take a look at the ameba under an electron microscope, he sees something that is so delicate and so intricate that it is beyond belief. Yet, scientists say that he, man, has developed from an ameba, protoplasm, which has developed into the billions of fish, insects, and animals and finally humans. Oh boy!
In the book of Genius in the Bible, the writer spells out the creation of everything on earth from the fish, insects to the highest animals and finally man. It doesn’t matter whether we accept this description of creation or not, it agrees with the theory evolution. Even though scientists accept that there is a design to it all and they have developed theories as to how it all got started, they still cannot understand why it happened in the first place. They just don’t know how it all got started and developed to what it is.
The greatest question of all is “Why”? Is there a rhyme or a reason for everything? Why did man develop on a lone planet circling around a star in a remote galaxy somewhere in space? Are there other such planets with life of the same type as on earth or are they totally different? This is what space exploration is all about along with trying to discover the source, the point of the “Big Bang”. Even if man found that point, where would it be in the vastness of space?
So you can see by this article that we are just not sure whom or what caused this world to come into being and the real reason why. We do know that from the many spirits who have spoken through mediums that it was truly God who did it all. God is the source of all creation. We still don’t know why even though we can make some guesses from He didn’t want to be alone in his existence to He was just experimenting with His abilities to create. This will always be a mystery and we may never learn the whys of it all.
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