Thursday, October 14, 2010

Laws of Nature in Action

When people takes into account personal responsibility and practice their free will in light of personal responsibility, pride is no longer a part of the equation.
The Law of Personal Responsibility is a primary natural law that can guide us on our spiritual path. Accepting the law of personal responsibility wipes out self-pity, resignation, passive endurance, smoldering resentments against the injustices of life, and the masochistic game of harping on one's case against life.

Yet this apparently hard law is the most hopeful, encouraging, liberating, and strengthening truth of all truths. It enables us to resolve whatever problem we may have. It opens up life with all its rich possibilities. It forces us to see things in their true light and, uncomfortable as this may first seem, it leaves us with a lot more self-respect, integrity, and hope than the helpless resignation to circumstances life is supposed to bring about. It makes defeat unnecessary because it also removes, among other things, our childish illusion of omnipotence, which is just as unrealistic as the illusion of being life's passive victim. Accepting our own limitations and the limitations of others increases our power to direct our life meaningfully.

Practicing personal responsibility automatically directs us to practice the Golden Rule, “Do unto other as you would have them do unto you”. The Law of Personal Responsibility changes our live in a way that will amaze us, and all who know us. We are no longer looking at the negative things in our lives that we have complained about for years. We understand that making decisions that are for our highest good are decisions that make things in our lives more positive. We are better able to cope with all kinds of problems because we no longer speak before “putting our month in gear”. Yes, we far too often speak before we do a proper thinking about exactly what it is we want to say. When we take time to think, we are taking personal responsibility for our thoughts and actions. And actions often speak louder than words.

We often think, “we got away with that.” But in reality we didn’t get away with anything for natural law tells us that no one gets away with anything. Whether it is a thought, an action or doing nothing at all – the Law of Cause and Effect, the Law of Karma and the Law of Thought tells us that everything in our life depends on our thoughts and actions.
This statement says to me that if a person says something, or does something that is taken by another person as being contentious, a problem will be generated, and the problem can mean the difference between getting along with people or being despised and rejected by them – a friendship lost. This may not have been what was intended, but it can happen.

If an apology is in order, then it must be made immediately in order to correct the problem before the friendship is totally destroyed. What does it take for a person to apologize even if they believe that they have done anything wrong? Just a few words! Just a few words that melt away the problem and sets things right. Taking personal responsibility for ones action will save a friendship and the friendship will continue.

However, some peoples pride is so strong that nothing can be done to correct the problem. They see other people’s actions as a personal attack on them and they must act – sometimes violently.

The Bible tells us not to judge others, but to always give others the benefit of the doubt – do unto others, as you would have them do unto you. Prideful people have to eventually come to terms with their thoughts and actions and change their way so that they do not suffer the consequences. Remember the Laws of Nature are always working in our life and we will suffer the consequences of our thoughts and action here or here after.

The Law of Continuity tells us that life is continuous and we take with us to the next life all our wrong thinking and actions done here in this physical life. We WILL make restitution in one way or another for our wrong thought and actions. It would be better for us to take personal responsibility for our thoughts and actions now, do what is necessary to correct our wrongs so that we do not have to take responsibility for them in the next world. In this way, we will be able to continue to advance spiritually here and here after.

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