It was a long life, 80 years and counting. He didn't know what happened but here he was sitting on the edge of a cliff. He didn't know how he got there, but he did know what he was about to do....
Why does any one contemplate suicide? Is it because of excess stress in a person's life? Or maybe depression that developed over many years? He really didn't know, but somehow, he decided to end it all.
Thankfully their was a woman who just happened to be out for a long walk and came upon him. He told her his name and she told him hers. It so happened that they were neighbors for several years but had never met. She had been married but her husband died a few years earlier and she was now alone. He, of course, was divorced and lived alone. They talked about the weather, their kids and some other nonsense.
As they talked, he began to feel better and kinda decided not to end his life that day. He then asked her if she would like to have lunch with him - she said yes.
It's funny how when we are at our most vulnerable state in life someone comes along to help us over come our problems. It could be a smile from a stranger or a pat on the back by a friend. What ever it takes for a person to change their minds or turn away from a troubling situation happens at just the right moment.
Life can be as good or as bad as we make it out to be. If we choose it to be bad, it will be very bad. However, if we chose good, it can be very good taking us from being suicidal to being in a state of freedom. Freedom from stress or perhaps a state of depression that presses us to make wrong decision. Decisions that leads to more stress or intensifies our depressive state.
All too often people find themselves in a predicament that they just can't get out of easily. The person ask the question, that all of us has asked, at one time or another in our life. "How did I get myself into this predicament"? "Where did I go wrong".
None of us wants to be in a situation where we contemplate suicide. There are just to many good things in life for us to experience. There is no need for us to to be anything but happy. Looking forward to being with friends and family. Experiencing the beauty a national park, boating with friends or just reading a good book.
It is up to us as to how we live our life and to minimize the dangers and pit falls that are all around us.
Look for the good things in life. Look for the good in people. Look for what can make us happy and embrace it with all our heart and mind and soul.
Share our findings with other people. When they see how happy we are, they want to be happy also. Our happiness flows from our innermost being with love that surrounds us and others changing our thoughts and expectations into pure joy. Why not? Our happiness is right here. Right where we are now and can be grasped in an instant. Go for the "gold" and make someone happy right now. You'll be surprised as to what you can do for yourself and them.