Life for all of us starts with an awakening in a new body. Some with the rising sun, some in the fullness of day, some with the setting sun and others during the darkness of night. Who can say what will happen as that life grows and spreads its wings. Will that life contribute to civilization's many expectations and make its mark in the lives of others. Can that life make its contribution through working with others or by his/her writings and teachings.
Some of us will only be remembered by a few close family members and friends. While others, it seams in years to come, are only thought about when some one looks at their family genealogy or looking at a tomb stone and wonders about the person buried there. What have we done in our life that can be remembered a year or maybe ten or perhaps a hundred from now?
I wonder if the people we rubbed shoulders with through out our life will even remember us? I wonder about the people we've hurt emotionally even though we've never hurt anyone physically? Have we made any real contribution to life that is even worth remembering?
All the wondering does us no good because it's only at the very end of life that the multitude of things we've done in life can be looked back on and contemplated. It is then that our life's story can be revealed and hopefully be remembered in years to come.