Happy Holidays to you. I especially wish all who read my blog a very happy and prosperous new year. May 2015 bring peace, love and understanding between all people here on planet earth.
Happy Holiday to one and all.
Rev. Ronald L. Koch
Monday, December 15, 2014
The Patient, the Healer and God
Healing comes to the sick in many ways. Some are healed through faith, some through the act of prayer, which is faith in action. Some are healed because the body has activated its own internal healing power. Can advanced cancers or other debilitating diseases be healed? Just what does it take for healing to take place?
In the healing classes of a certified healer, men and women are taught that the individual who is acting as the healer is just a channel between God and the patient. Is this all there is to healing, to have a person act as a channel for healing? No! The patient is just as much a part of the healing process as God and the healer (channel). It is a threesome that works together to effectively produce the needed healing.
And yet, Few people today believe that God heals as he did in the days of Jesus. They are all wrong. God still heals as He did then. One must remember the words of Jesus when He said, “The things I do you can do and greater things than these you can do.” So what does it take for healing to take place today? It requires that the person acting as the healer truly understands that they’re the channel for God’s healing energy. If the healer doesn’t believe that healing can take place through him, the healing energy is stopped from its flow. God can do little for the recipient when the healer himself doesn’t believe that he is the healing channel.
Remember that it takes so little faith- confidence – the amount of faith represented by a mustard seed – so little, and yet so much. It is not the person acting as the healer that heals; it is God the source of all healing who does the healing. The channel MUST be open to the flow of God’s healing energy. The patient MUST know that they WILL receive the healing they desire, and be ready to accept it without question. This is a real problem for far too many of us - accepting without question. We are born skeptics, we question everything.
I hear about so many people today who are afflicted with cancer, and other diseases that lead to death of the physical body – diseases that can be stopped in their tracts. If only the patient understood that God wants them to be strong and healthy. “But, you say,” this one little word (but) can make the difference between healing and the downward spiral to physical death.
The question is – Do you have faith ( confidence), the knowing that healing takes place even today as it did two thousand years ago?
At a church in Redding California, the pastor was faced with the question “Does God heal today as He did when Jesus was alive?” He studied his Bible and came to the conclusion that God did. So he started to tentatively do healings during services at his church. To his amazement, people started to be healed. He talks about people who could not walk, but were healed by faith and started walking.
People with cancers were healed and people with “withered limbs” had their limbs start to grow to a normal size and shape as the healer prayed over them. Can you believe what it must have been like to see such a miracle taking place before your own eyes? The minister goes on in his book to talk about other healings that took place and are continuing to take place at his church.
Healing takes place today as it did in the time of Jesus. There is absolutely no reason for you or me to believe that it doesn’t happen. It only takes a few seconds for healing to take place, and only a second of faith.
You may not believe that it can happen for you, but it can. You must be ready to let go of your skepticism completely. Believe in miracles, and accept the healing.
I know how our minds work. It is because, we as adults are so used to being skeptical about everything that happens in our life that we find it almost impossible to believe that we or a loved one can be healed.
I don’t know what it will take for you to put that “mustard seed” of faith into effect in your life so that you can be healed I just hope and pray that you will find it within yourself to have it. God is the source of all healing; the healer is the channel for the healing energy, and the recipient as the receiver are all working together as one to bring about a complete healing.
Do you know how Jesus healed people?
"Your sins, sickness, or discord are no more a part of God, or your true self, than fungi are a part of the plants to which they attach themselves. They are the false growths which have gathered upon your bodies as the result of wrong thinking. The thought of the disease and the disease are merely the cause and the effect. Erase, forgive the cause and the effect disappears. Erase the false belief and sickness vanishes".
"This was the only method of cure that Jesus ever resorted to. He erased the false image in the consciousness of the one to whom he ministered. He first raised the vibrations of his body by connecting his own thoughts with those of Divine Mind and holding his own thoughts steadfastly in accord with those of the perfection of the Divine Mind for man. Then the vibrations of his body became equal to the vibrations in Divine Mind. Having thus raised the vibrations of his own body by his steadfast thought of the Divine Perfection, he was able to raise the vibrations of the body of the applicant with the withered arm to the point where he could erase the image of the withered arm from his own consciousness. Then Jesus could say to the applicant `Stretch forth your hand.' The person in faith stretched it forth and it became whole. Thus Jesus raised the vibrations of his own body by seeing the Divine Perfection for all and this enabled him to raise the vibrations of the one he healed until the image of imperfection was entirely erased; then perfection was instantaneous and the forgiveness and healing was complete".
"God works through all to carry out His perfect plan and the perfect, loving thoughts continually going forth from the hearts of all are God's own message to His children. It is these thoughts that keep the vibrations of our bodies in direct touch with the divine and perfect vibrations; and this seed is the Word of God that finds lodgment in every receptive heart, whether man be consciously aware of his divine nature or not. We are approaching more fully to our divine inheritance when we can keep our thoughts so fully upon our divine perfection and the divine perfection of all, as held in the Mind of God, that the vibrations of our body are in direct harmonious accord and one with the divine vibrations sent out from the Mind of God. But, in order to bring forth the abundant harvest of spiritual understanding, our thoughts must continuously vibrate with, and lay hold of, the perfect harmonious thoughts from Divine Mind, or Mind of God, to man, His beloved son. We soon find we have the power to enslave or to free ourselves, as well as to forgive every sin of the whole human family through our attitude of thought, word, or deed and, through the vibrations thus released, to the whole world. Once having chosen to shape our thoughts along definite lines, we soon find that we are sustained by Omnipotence itself and find, as we go through the discipline necessary to assure ourselves of mastery, that it is a glorious privilege—this power which we have to free ourselves and our fellow men from bondage through the process of divine thinking". We are healed.
* Life and Teachings of the Masters of the Far East Vol. 2 Pg. 37
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