Thursday, August 2, 2012

We were all mistaken

Through automatic writing Charlotte Elizabeth Dresser in the late 1800s wrote the following: "We were all mistaken on earth, ministers and laymen alike. Lawyers are not just; merchants not honest; business men forgetting their honor while grasping greater gains; ministers allowing creeds to outweigh service. Why do clergymen emphasize creed instead of service? Why do they mourn over death, instead of telling of the wonderful opportunities beyond? Why do judges punish crime instead of educating the criminal? Why does the world spend its care and thought on the fleeting shadows of earth life, rather than study the conditions of the heavenly one which is to last forever?"

I’m sure that you and I find Charlotte’s description of various people still rings true even today and yet, it also describes the common person and his actions at one time or another in his life. How many of you have known the truth especially about ministers, lawyers, merchants and businessmen?  How have you been able to deal with them in your own life? Were you able to understand what was happening? However, It is true, not all of people involved in the various professions can be described as being dishonest or corrupt.

When we enter into this world as infants our minds are pure and without blemish.  Then as children we grow up learning from our parents and society what life is all about and what is expected of us and what we should accomplish in life.  We do our best to cope with life’s challenges, but sometimes along the way something happens that changes our outlook on life and we begin to do the things that are wrong in the sight of society.  We begin to take advantage of others, steal, rob banks, kill and destroy anything that we don’t like, directly or indirectly.  We are able to do these things because we are all given total freedom of choice, the ability to choose between right from wrong, as we perceived it.

A very long time ago a man said “there is nothing new under the sun.”  Yes that man was King Solomon who wrote about the same things that Charlotte wrote about.  We think that we are unique and different in that we live in a “modern” world with computers, rockets, space stations and satellites that have been sent to the moon and the planets beyond. We believe that in these modern times that we have the best that man can produce, and yet we continuously look for something new to occupy our minds and bodies.  The search for something new gives many a reason to try for some excitement by breaking the laws of the land.  Why?  Is it our nature to do so?  Not, but we do it anyhow.

Spiritual Law teaches through the law of cause and effect that a person cannot get away with anything.  If lawyers, merchants, minister, judges, you and I understood this law would we continue to do the things they do? Would we treat each other with so much disrespect if we new what was in store for us when we physically die? Would it really matter?  Would the minister continue to preach their churches creeds instead of a truer more meaningful theology based on the truths taught by the Master Jesus?

Far too many of us here in this physical world think that we know it all and that there is nothing beyond our physical life.  What is it that can hurt us or have any real meaning for us believing this physical life is all that is, the now.
So what does it truly matter if lawyers, merchants, minister and judges continue to do as they please?  Will there ever be a time when they come to their senses and learn that there is more to life than the physical experience?

In time past, many have written about and the Spirit World through automatic writing and through the descriptions given by disincarnate individuals to mediums. Few physical human beings have gone to the Spirit World directly and those who have; have done so via a “near death experience” or “out of body experience”.  We only have their word as to what it is really like in the Spirit World.  If we could all experience the Spirit World as it is perhaps we would have a much different attitude about life in the physical and how we fit into it.  Maybe we would be more honest, just and provide the right way of rehabilitate criminals and those who break our physical laws.  Perhaps we would learn how to love our neighbors as our selves and do unto others, as we would have them do unto us.  Maybe…