my study of Modern Spiritualism, I learned that "Spiritualism Is a
Philosophy because it studies the Laws of Nature both on the seen and unseen
sides of life and bases its conclusions upon present observed facts. It accepts
statements of observed facts of past ages and conclusions drawn there from,
when sustained by reason and by results of observed facts of the present
as Spiritualists are told that we are to study Natural Laws and learn about how
they effect our lives and the life of the universe.
is my goal to present to you as many Spiritual Laws as I can now and in the
future. As you read the laws, you will begin to see how the problems in your
life and the world are affected by the them. You will even get an idea as to how
you can use the laws to make life better for yourself and others.
I was studying a Course in Modern Spiritualism I started researching the many
laws that Spiritualists know. I was surprised to learn that there were
well over a hundred natural/ spiritual/universal/cosmic laws in existence and
all the laws were God's laws. I also learned that there is no set number of the
laws and that they were in effect in the physical world and the spiritual
world. In the spiritual world the laws work at a much weaker/finer form.
For example, when we think of the Law of Gravity as it relates to the
physical world: "In our world, gravitation is a force exerted by the
Earth's mass on all objects within its sphere of influence. This force causes
all bodies to fall toward the center of the Earth and also keeps all objects
from flying off the face of the Earth..." In the spiritual world, it
means that all spirit matter and spirit beings, are prevented from
floating around due to a finer gravitational field there that is a fraction of
what it is in the physical world.
will start by providing a definition for a law and then make a comment about
what the law means to me.
first laws is: "The Law of Abundance. (sometimes referred to as the Law of
Opulence or Success.) By creating visualizations of abundance in our lives we
draw this energy of success into our reality. Success or abundance does not
only apply to money. There is success in communication, spirituality,
relationships and so on. When creating the abundance of financial gain remember
to be IN this world, but not OF this world. We are not the sum total of our
comes to us in many forms. It comes in the form of love, happiness,
spirituality and a hundred other positive, spiritual ways. Visualization is
only one way for a person to create abundance in their life. But,
visualizing sometimes doesn't mean that a person well get what they're
visualizing. It take action on the part of the person. If a person
prays for a winning lotto ticket, but doesn't buy one, he will not be a winner.
Take a moment and add to the list of abundance you have and have experienced in
your life.
"The Law of Action: Put another way, " No matter what we feel or
know, no matter what our potential gifts or talents, only action brings them to
life. Those of us who think we understand concepts, such as commitment,
courage, and love, one day discover that we only create knowingness when we
act; doing becomes understanding. Every aspirant is a focal point of energy and
should be a conscious focal point. In the midst of the whirl and storm (of the
chaos of third dimension) s/he should make his/her presence felt".
Law of Abundance is directly related to the Law of Action because we cannot
have abundance in our life without action. Nothing moves or comes into
existence without us doing something to make it happen. An external force must
be applied physically or mentally in order to move any object no matter how
large or small it may be.
The Law of Akasha. "A great cosmic law which is the principle of the
intelligence of substance".
akasha being a Sanskrit word meaning "sky", "space" or
"aether" – are described as containing all knowledge of human
experience and all experiences as well as the history of the cosmos encoded or
written in the very aether or fabric of all existence.
is the process of the mind and recognizing that memory is actually stored in a
higher realm away from the body and spiritual data storage called the Akashic
Law of Akasha works when we make decisions or think of anything because we will
then automatically connect to the true memory storage, which is then
transferred back to the human mind for usage. We use these memories or
experiences to complete any task that needs to be done. By doing this we
complete the process which starts from the conscious world to the subconscious
and then back to the conscious. This circuit is completed in a fraction of a
second, over and over and over again. This Law works along with the Law of
Action, the second of the Universal Laws.
The Law of Analogy. "Although this is a definite condition of third
dimension existence, no analogy is ever exact in detail but only in certain
broad basic correspondences. There will be found unchangeable points of
resemblance, but in using analogy viewing creation, no two details are exact.
Using analogy in trying to mentally explain the unexplainable, one attempts to
convey understanding, in a broad sense".
is used to compare what is unknown to what is known in order to define the
unknown thereby transforming it into new knowledge and understanding.
a person is presented with an unknown he/she makes assumptions about the
unknown and through experiment and analyzing the results, produces repeatable
results that makes the previous unknown a known thus adding to his knowledge.
we study Spiritual Laws we gain understanding of how the Laws affect us in our
daily life and the lives of other people, nations and the universe. The
Laws provide us with knowledge and understanding that makes our lives a little
easier. Easier for us to understand how everything in the universe is tied
together and how each part affects another part.
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