Monday, December 15, 2014

Holidays 2014

Happy Holidays to you. I especially wish all who read my blog a very happy and prosperous new year. May 2015 bring peace, love and understanding between all people here on planet earth.

Happy Holiday to one and all.

Rev. Ronald L. Koch

The Patient, the Healer and God

Healing comes to the sick in many ways. Some are healed through faith, some through the act of prayer, which is faith in action. Some are healed because the body has activated its own internal healing power. Can advanced cancers or other debilitating diseases be healed? Just what does it take for healing to take place?

In the healing classes of a certified healer, men and women are taught that the individual who is acting as the healer is just a channel between God and the patient. Is this all there is to healing, to have a person act as a channel for healing? No! The patient is just as much a part of the healing process as God and the healer (channel). It is a threesome that works together to effectively produce the needed healing.

And yet, Few people today believe that God heals as he did in the days of Jesus. They are all wrong. God still heals as He did then. One must remember the words of Jesus when He said, “The things I do you can do and greater things than these you can do.” So what does it take for healing to take place today? It requires that the person acting as the healer truly understands that they’re the channel for God’s healing energy. If the healer doesn’t believe that healing can take place through him, the healing energy is stopped from its flow. God can do little for the recipient when the healer himself doesn’t believe that he is the healing channel.

Remember that it takes so little faith- confidence – the amount of faith represented by a mustard seed – so little, and yet so much. It is not the person acting as the healer that heals; it is God the source of all healing who does the healing. The channel MUST be open to the flow of God’s healing energy. The patient MUST know that they WILL receive the healing they desire, and be ready to accept it without question. This is a real problem for far too many of us - accepting without question. We are born skeptics, we question everything.

I hear about so many people today who are afflicted with cancer, and other diseases that lead to death of the physical body – diseases that can be stopped in their tracts. If only the patient understood that God wants them to be strong and healthy. “But, you say,” this one little word (but) can make the difference between healing and the downward spiral to physical death.

The question is – Do you have faith ( confidence), the knowing that healing takes place even today as it did two thousand years ago?

At a church in Redding California, the pastor was faced with the question “Does God heal today as He did when Jesus was alive?” He studied his Bible and came to the conclusion that God did. So he started to tentatively do healings during services at his church. To his amazement, people started to be healed. He talks about people who could not walk, but were healed by faith and started walking.

People with cancers were healed and people with “withered limbs” had their limbs start to grow to a normal size and shape as the healer prayed over them. Can you believe what it must have been like to see such a miracle taking place before your own eyes? The minister goes on in his book to talk about other healings that took place and are continuing to take place at his church.

Healing takes place today as it did in the time of Jesus. There is absolutely no reason for you or me to believe that it doesn’t happen. It only takes a few seconds for healing to take place, and only a second of faith.

You may not believe that it can happen for you, but it can. You must be ready to let go of your skepticism completely. Believe in miracles, and accept the healing.

I know how our minds work. It is because, we as adults are so used to being skeptical about everything that happens in our life that we find it almost impossible to believe that we or a loved one can be healed.

I don’t know what it will take for you to put that “mustard seed” of faith into effect in your life so that you can be healed I just hope and pray that you will find it within yourself to have it. God is the source of all healing; the healer is the channel for the healing energy, and the recipient as the receiver are all working together as one to bring about a complete healing. 

Do you know how Jesus healed people?

"Your sins, sickness, or discord are no more a part of God, or your true self, than fungi are a part of the plants to which they attach themselves. They are the false growths which have gathered upon your bodies as the result of wrong thinking. The thought of the disease and the disease are merely the cause and the effect. Erase, forgive the cause and the effect disappears. Erase the false belief and sickness vanishes".

"This was the only method of cure that Jesus ever resorted to. He erased the false image in the consciousness of the one to whom he ministered. He first raised the vibrations of his body by connecting his own thoughts with those of Divine Mind and holding his own thoughts steadfastly in accord with those of the perfection of the Divine Mind for man. Then the vibrations of his body became equal to the vibrations in Divine Mind. Having thus raised the vibrations of his own body by his steadfast thought of the Divine Perfection, he was able to raise the vibrations of the body of the applicant with the withered arm to the point where he could erase the image of the withered arm from his own consciousness. Then Jesus could say to the applicant `Stretch forth your hand.' The person in faith stretched it forth and it became whole. Thus Jesus raised the vibrations of his own body by seeing the Divine Perfection for all and this enabled him to raise the vibrations of the one he healed until the image of imperfection was entirely erased; then perfection was instantaneous and the forgiveness and healing was complete".

"God works through all to carry out His perfect plan and the perfect, loving thoughts continually going forth from the hearts of all are God's own message to His children. It is these thoughts that keep the vibrations of our bodies in direct touch with the divine and perfect vibrations; and this seed is the Word of God that finds lodgment in every receptive heart, whether man be consciously aware of his divine nature or not. We are approaching more fully to our divine inheritance when we can keep our thoughts so fully upon our divine perfection and the divine perfection of all, as held in the Mind of God, that the vibrations of our body are in direct harmonious accord and one with the divine vibrations sent out from the Mind of God. But, in order to bring forth the abundant harvest of spiritual understanding, our thoughts must continuously vibrate with, and lay hold of, the perfect harmonious thoughts from Divine Mind, or Mind of God, to man, His beloved son. We soon find we have the power to enslave or to free ourselves, as well as to forgive every sin of the whole human family through our attitude of thought, word, or deed and, through the vibrations thus released, to the whole world. Once having chosen to shape our thoughts along definite lines, we soon find that we are sustained by Omnipotence itself and find, as we go through the discipline necessary to assure ourselves of mastery, that it is a glorious privilege—this power which we have to free ourselves and our fellow men from bondage through the process of divine thinking". We are healed.

* Life and Teachings of the Masters of the Far East  Vol. 2 Pg. 37

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Winter Delights

The white snow fell covering the ground
It covered the dark earth and hid the decay of fallen leaves.
Snow, so beautiful yet so cool

It covers the ground so we can play
Sliding here and there with laughter and mirth
Making snow men and women just for the fun of it

Riding our sleighs, some pulled by a horse to the delight of lovers
Hidden beneath blankets of many colors
Singing Christmas carols and wanting the night to last forever

To dream of Christmas trees all covered with colored light and tinsel
Streams of garlands round about
And hanging in splendor colored balls of glass
Topped with a star shining so bright

Falling snow and a tree of great beautify that reminds us that there is more to life than our daily problems. We look forward to the first snow and then can't wait for spring to take it all away. Why? Each season last for its required length of time only to be replaced with something new. A newness that challenges us to be the best we can be at everything we do.

The Christmas tree reminds us to think of others and do something special that will bring a smile on a person's face for a time. The giving of gifts so special and means so much to be given and received.

New Year's Eve reminds us that another year has passed and we can look forward to new challenges and the joy of helping others. Our life should be filled with happiness and the joy of being part of life. Life is not for us to dive into the darkness of despair, depression and wrong thinking. But, to uplift others that will in turn uplift us and make us a better person.

We have so much to give, so much to celebrate, so much to receive from others with open hearts and minds. Today was made just for you, me and no one can make it otherwise.

Yes, the snow falls each winter whether in the northern latitudes or in the minds of those in hot year round climates. Snow can cover so much and when it goes, it leaves hope for new growth and beauty that only this great earth can provide.

We need to understand that we are just a small part of a greater whole that requires are contribution that is so needed whether for ourselves or others. When we think of others we are think with the mind of God not with the mind of men. Giving to others from our hearts not our heads. Yes, you are needed. You are a great part of all their is. Making our mark and knowing that even the falling snow cannot cover us for more than a season only to dissipate over time putting all that's past behind us.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Falling Leaves

Falling leaves of many colors
Reds, yellows, orange and rust
Their green is gone, but not forever.

The dark tree's bark
The grays of night
The whites of life all within the bark.

Who will contemplate the tree?
It's beauty and its darkness supreme?

Where has the reds, the yellows, oranges and rust gone?
To bed for another day only to awaken to a new life
Full of life and internal beauty awaiting a fall night
Changing from green to color waiting the fall day light.

Saturday, October 4, 2014


High above the white washed sand stands a lonely person.
Could that person be you?

No, it's an illusion of the most wonderful type 
This is no place for the lonely 
A world filled with light.

Lite drives out the negative and and washes away the loneliness.
To conquers all in its bid for the person of its charge.
Let the light shine where it will, for it brings love to the heart of the lonely one.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Prophets and Seer

A prophet and seer is a person with a special gift that he/she uses to provide advice, inspiration, encouragement, and an over all sense of well being to the person inquiring of Him/her.  

A prophet is normally born with his/her gift and it developed over the years. However, the gift can be developed with the right training. In ancient Israel and Judea there were schools run by the Temple priest to train prophets that continued up to the destruction of the temple in 70 C.E..

Certain prophets in the Old Testament of the Bible were connected to the Kings court in order to give advice to the king from God in his daily administrations of his kingdom.

In the New Testament of the Bible, the meaning of the word prophet has two meanings. The first is likened to the prophets of the Old Testament and the second is as described in 1 Corinthians 14:3 "But everyone who prophesies speaks to men for their strengthening, encouragement and comfort". Is this not what a Spiritualist medium does?

As a medium, it is always my intention to give messages from spirit (God) and/or from deceased family member or friends of the living, that are up lifting and provide information to strengthening, encourage, comfort and that will help the recipient to make better decisions.

The Spiritualist medium is forbidden to make medical diagnosis, or give a person information concerning the time and place of there death, if the medium is given that kind of information from spirit. The medium can only give advice, in a round about way, that may prevent the death. For example, an automobile accident. The medium can only tell the recipient to be extra alert on such and such a date while driving his/her car, but give no specifics. As long as the medium is working to help people, they are performing their job correctly. One only needs to watch the television programs "The Long Island Medium" or "Angeles Among Us" to know how mediums in general work.

How any priest or "Christian" minister can say that Spiritualist mediumship is of the devil I don't know. Even though those ministers are always quoting the command of God, through the prophet Samuel, to King Saul not to go to a person with a familiar spirit. Saul did it anyhow and he paid with his life. Not because he went to a seer, but because he, Saul, didn't trust God to protect his kingdom.

In the New Testament, a woman went to a temple priest who was a prophet/ seer for advice. If hundreds of years after Saul's death, men and women were prophesying and giving people strengthening, encouragement and comfort through there prophesying, why not today?

As a person trains to become a medium in a Spiritualist church today, they spend months to years studying and working with certified mediums as a trainee before they receive any kind of certificate that says that they have proven themselves as a medium and are allowed to work in that capacity in a Spiritualist church or as a professional medium.

Are there fraudulent mediums today? Yes. Men and women who give what is referred to as "cold readings". They are people who know how to interview and listen to the inquirer before they even attempt to give a reading. One must be alert to this kind of person and not take another persons praise of that kind of so called medium. A person must look into the back ground of the medium and be extremely skeptical of what the medium tells them. That includes all mediums not just the cold reader.

A true Spiritualist medium normally works within a church and is associated with it when working as a professional medium.

What about Tarot card readers and normal card readers? Well, those people who do that kind of reading can be highly intuitive and give truly excellent readings. However, one must again, way the information carefully and then decide on its worth. The same goes for astrologers.

One must understand that the word prophet in the original Greek means "medium". A prophet of the Bible stood between God and man and that a medium is a person who stands between the world of spirit and humanity. God is a spirit. Jesus said so in John 4:24 of the Bible New Testament. 

We could argue for hours and thousands of pages of print and not settle the argument as to whether a prophet and Spiritualist medium are the same. You must decide for your self.

Thursday, September 4, 2014


Summer has passed with its usual warmth of sun, rain and freshness. A time of new growth and all the activities that only summer can provide. The kids went summing with their friends and folks and we all laughed and had a great time.

Now fall has arrived and the trees are turning from summer green in to an explosion of color, red, yellow, orange and gold with numerous colors in between. Only fall can produce such splendor and the reaping of summer harvest.

Where has summer gone so fast? It seems like it was only yesterday that we were looking forward to its warmth? Gone to rest for a time only to reappear in all its splendor just a few months from now. Have we forgotten winter with its own special gifts to us? No, not at all, but we're not there yet.

Fall is that time of year when witches and goblins prance around just to be laughed at and have fun pretending we are one, if only for a day. Like summer, fall only last for a little while, yet we look forward to the challenges of going back to work, school and new beginnings, whatever they may be.
Have some fun this fall and I'll see you in the spring.

Monday, July 7, 2014


By Ron Koch

Alone and filled with despair
Struck by the darkness all around
Filled with longing
Not knowing which way to turn
Life's so hard
Why the pain?

Is there hope in a land so bare
Full of life and yet so weak
Trodden down
Beaten and bleeding
Soaked in despair
Over run with sorrow
Where is my hope?

Longing for help
A person to talk to
Can you help?

What of tomorrow?
Will tomorrow bring me a better way?

I long for your touch
A touch of love in a time of need
Wrap your arms around me
Show me you care
Fill me with hope and a sense of better days to come

Alone but not alone you say
But why the condemnation of my beliefs?
We love the same God, the same Christ
But you see not my heart
Is there no way of convincing you I'm ok
But filled with despair and alone

Saturday, July 5, 2014

When I'm Gone

When tomorrow starts without me, and I'm not there to see;
If the sun should rise and find your eyes all filled with tears for me;
I wish so much you wouldn't cry the way you did today,
while thinking of the many things we didn't get to say.
I know how much you love me, as much as I love you,
and each time you think of me I know you'll miss me too;
But when tomorrow starts without me, please try to understand,
that an angel came and called my name and took me by the hand,
and said my place was ready in heaven far above,
and that I'd have to leave behind all those I dearly love.
But as I turned to walk away, a tear fell from my eye,
for all life, I'd always thought I didn't want to die.
I had so much to live for and so much yet to do,
it seemed almost impossible that I was leaving you.
I thought of all the yesterdays, the good ones and the bad,
I thought of all the love we shared and all the fun we had.
If I could relive yesterday, I thought, just for awhile,
I'd say goodbye and kiss you and maybe see you smile.
But then I fully realized that this could never be,
for emptiness and memories would take the place of me.
And when I thought of worldly things that I'd miss come tomorrow,
I thought of you, and when I did, my heart was filled with sorrow.
But when I walked through heaven's gates, I felt so much at home.
When God looked down and smiled at me, from His great golden throne,
He said, "This is eternity and all I've promised you".
Today for life on earth is past but here it starts anew.
I promise no tomorrow, but today will always last,
and since each day's the same day, there's no longing for the past.
But you have been so faithful, so trusting, and so true.
Though there were times you did some things you knew you shouldn't do.
But you have been forgiven and now at last you’re free.
So won't you take my hand and share my life with me?
So when tomorrow starts without me, don't think we're far apart,
for every time you think of me, I'm right here in your heart.

by: David M. Romano

Copyright © David M Romano  December 1993

Friday, July 4, 2014

You Know Me Not

You Know Me Not

You know me not
And scorn my being
I transcend all to know the One

I see His face and know His light
Where is your light that you should scorn me?
Knowing not that I'm all a flame to be
A sinner yet a rescued one 
Bound to the heights of everlasting light

I am who am I with out which you cannot know
For you see not what God has done

I leave your presents to be with the One
I leave so that the light will shine

I have had a number of people tell me that they know me “pretty well” when in reality they know very little about me. I say this because the other person does not live in my skin. They do not even live with me, so how can they say they know me? They know just what I'm willing to show them and that's all. 

I know that very few people know that I was born in Pennsylvania and lived in California for more than 25 years where I went to junior high, high school and junior college. Even fewer know that I went to university and have a bachelor’s degree and two graduate degrees.

I want to emphases that we cannot really know anybody even if we have lived with them all our life. People have secrets known only to them. Secrets, that if other people knew about would most likely put the person in jail or have them “shot at the post” for what they’ve done - not that this happens very often...

I could tell you all about my childhood in minute detail, but that would take the rest of my life to talk and write about and I would have to leave out 99% of the really good stuff that I don’t want anyone to know about. 

I am a person with likes, dislikes, opinions, a personal life philosophy and an education that is unique to me.  I've been in this world for more than 70+ years that started at the beginning of World War II. I started school in 1945 and have been studying ever since . Each day I learn something new. Something that helps me to be a better me.  It will take the rest of my physical life to unlearn much of what I've learned, and replace it all with truth.  At least the truth as I comprehend it.

The crux of this article is "knowing".  Is it possible for me to know the truth about life and all that it holds to be true? I don't know, but I'm trying.

I want to know that there really is a God who is the source of all creation. I want to know the true teachings of Christ. Not the words put into his month by theologians that claim he said. I want to know personally about whether aliens actually came to the planet earth and have been captured by various governments through out the world. I want to really know if there is any real truth to the teaching in the Bibles book of Revelation. Is the Bible a book filled with materialism or metaphors of highly spiritual information that in one way tells me that if I do certain things I'll be condemning myself to a life of sorrow and possibly sickness. But if I follow the another way I'll be healthy and happy for the rest of my life.  These are only a few of the things I think about and strive to find authoritative writers and people with the appropriate knowledge who can help me gain the understanding I'm looking for. It is not a question as to whether or not I've already made up my mind on some of the above questions, I have. But, getting the proof to backup my beliefs is the real problem.

The older I get, the more I want to know.  Is there enough time left to me in this world to know all that I want to know. Perhaps I'll require many incarnations in order to learn a bit at a time.

Do you know me? Where do you stand? Are you a person who wants to know truth as much as me? If so, what exactly do you want to know? 

I did a search on the Web and here are a few of the responses I got:

[The a Bible says "John 8:32 Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

You cannot find the truth by searching within yourself! Without a knowledge of the Scriptures, much of the truth you know you know is simply not so.

With the limited amount of knowledge and capacity we Do have we can make logical arguments which can give us partial truths, however it is impossible for us to know definitive truth in our current state.
Posted by: zelkova

We as human beings can know a close approximation, but the pure truth will always be a mystery to us. I say this because there will never come a point where we will be able to look at things with purely rational eyes, without any sort of blinker, blinder, or preconceptions. We as human beings are simply incapable of doing that.

Personal spiritual testimony is by far the most powerful evidence between knowing what is true, and what is just an idea dreamed up by a friend with good intentions.
(What is the truth. Com)]

It all boils down to "Truth is in the eye of the beholder". So, do you know me? Can you know me? Can you really know anyone? I wonder.

I've written two books that talk about the problems I've encountered in my life and some of the ways I've dealt with them.  The various articles in my books are short, a few paragraphs to several pages of information. My ideas, my thoughts and my solutions. Maybe some of those articles will even be helpful to you if you want to read them helping you to know a little more than you did before reading an article. I hope so.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Communicating with The Spirit World

The Spirit World communications

Let us go back a little while in history. What is most important is that the people of the earth world are totally unaware of the spirit world that is existing round about them. It is only the comparative few, whose psychic faculties have been developed, who have any perception of the great world that is unseen to other folk.

Now, from the beginning of time upon earth it was never intended that our two worlds should be thus separated by any barrier. Primitive man, as the early inhabitants of the earth are called, was not shut off from his brother in the spirit world in such a wholesale fashion as are you today.

Primitive though he may have been, primitive though he was in the eyes of today’s earth world, yet his psychic talents were more highly developed generally, and were not confined to a relative few, here and there. The exercise of such powers was widespread. Yet man of those times is considered barbaric and uncivilized, and, from a religious point of view, nothing but a heathen!

The process of civilising the earth has had the effect of reducing in enormous proportions the possession of any psychic faculties at all. Thus our two worlds have become more widely separated until those who possess any psychic powers are in the minority. They are the exception and not the rule. Man has paid the penalty for thus casting aside what he was meant to have and to use as his natural right upon earth, namely the power and ability to exercise those extra senses with which the spirit world could communicate with him.

It is authority in various forms that again is to blame for it was authority that gradually suppressed these powers in the people and retained them exclusively for themselves. But that exclusiveness brought with it its own penalty. Authority was denied communion with the spirit world by the spirit people themselves because it had no right to retain such powers in its own hands, for its own use and benefit, to the exclusion of all others. It was being used by authority for the furtherance of its own ends, and those ends did not coincide with the purposes of the spirit world. Medium ship, as the possession of psychic powers is named, was not totally destroyed, but it was limited to the few, and the world has suffered for it ever since.

Anthony Borges book, "Facts" pg. 96

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Are We Equal with Jesus

"Sometimes others accuse us of making ourselves equal with Jesus. That is because they do not understand what is meant by joint heirship. I am quite certain there is not one among us that would say he was on the same plane of enlightenment as the great Master, with his great white purity. This joint heirship means to have the possibility of the same power, the same strength, the same degree of understanding. And yet there is not one among us that does not realize the full truth of the promise of Jesus to all of God's children, to every true disciple, that they may be full participants in all the qualities of the Godhead as fully as he is. We fully recognize his meaning when he said, `Be ye perfect even as your Father in heaven is perfect.' We know full well that that great soul never for
a moment asked of his disciples a mental or moral impossibility. When he saw and asked perfection of man, he knew that he asked only that which man can live up to. A great many have taken false comfort in the belief that they never can be as perfect as the Master is perfect. They argue that he was Divine and that, because of his divinity, he did marvelous works which no other member of humanity could possibly do and that, therefore, it is absolutely useless to try. They say they are here with nothing better or more skillful or scientific with which to carve out life's destiny than mere human will power. The great Master made it clear that, while it did take some human will power to start, THE MERE HUMAN WILL IS NOT A GREAT FACTOR IN THE CASE, THE GREAT FACTOR BEING DIVINE UNDERSTANDING. How many times did he say, `You shall know the Truth and the Truth shall make you free.'

From vol. 2, Master Of The Far East

Tuesday, May 13, 2014


What is truth? Is it something that we can grasp with our hands? Is truth a belief in something, an idea? Is it something that can be repeated over and over again by anybody? Would repeatability make one persons truth better than another's?

Humanity is bombarded by sound of all kinds from the time we're born until we take our last breath. Certain sounds formed in the human mouth and expelled by human breath made up words that when put together in a certain order has meaning for us.  It is the combination of the multitude of sounds in the form of words that becomes our truth.  Words are used to describe something that we can see with our eyes, touch, smell, hear and even see microscopically or telescopically.

One person's truth is no better or worst than anybody else's. In fact our truth is made up of years of knowledge and experience that is unique to ourselves. Coleridge says "The truth depends on, or is only arrived at by, a legitimate deduction from all the facts which are truly material". Webster's Dictionary say truth is "The quality of being true". Webster also says true is "Conformable to fact; in accordance with the actual state of things; correct; not false, erroneous, inaccurate.

So often our truth is based on something we've read or heard from another person that makes sense to us at the time, but what we read or have heard are only the speculative idea or ideas of another. Ideas are formed in our minds and expressed in written form or verbally as facts. In order for a fact to be a fact, it must be scientifically repeatable through experimentation, otherwise it's only a theory. Webster says a theory is "A doctrine, or scheme of things, which terminates in speculation or contemplation, without a view to practice; hypothesis; speculation". Without experimental repeatable data to prove something is true, it cannot become a fact and must remain a theory.  An idea cannot become part of our truth without facts to base it on.

It is up to us as individuals as to what we will accept and believe that becomes our truth. We will even fight another person verbally or even physically just to prove our truth.  Does fighting really change anything?

We cannot force our truth on another person. They have to decide for themselves as to what they well accept or reject as truth.

Monday, May 12, 2014

The Right Attitude

When a person tells another that they are not of the same religion the recipient then makes a decision as to whether they will enter into a discussion or not. However, by keeping an open mind, we can have a really good discussion and maybe learn something. This of course doesn't mean that you will accept the other persons religion or even consider attending their church. You are a person with total free will and you are to maintain total control over your thoughts and actions and not allow another person to persuade you to accept their religion if you really don't want to.

If we reject another persons religion 'out right' we are expressing our personal prejudice and are unwillingness to listen to them. We may feel justified in our action or reaction, but is it really the correct one?

We may have been given an opportunity to learn a lesson and be able to help yourself and the other person become more than what you/they seem to be. It is through verbal communication that we are able to express ourselves and learn from each other.

Not everyone believes what we believe and may even have a different opinion on a particular subject.  It is up to us to be a good listener and express our opinion in a way that doesn't up set the other person.  Up-setting others happens way too often through us expressing our selves too forcibly and this should be avoided. The right attitude at the beginning can keep a friend or other wise loose one.

Saturday, May 10, 2014

I Cannot Be Denied

For the past few weeks I have been in conflict over the teachings of the Christian church and the truth that I know as fact. In fact it has been the stupidity of Christians who claim to believe that the Bible is without fault and is the inspired word of God that has been the source of my conflict. Those same Christians have the audacity to claim that no one can be ordained unless they had graduated from a Theological school or seminary.

Christians and scientists alike fall into "two classes of doubters [rejectors] in regard to [who can and who cannot be ordained and even deny] psychical phenomena as fact to whom we wish to refer. First, there are those persons who refuse to make any inquiry or to receive any information on the subject, on the grounds that as the alleged phenomena cannot possibly be true, all testimony concerning them must of necessity be either a deliberate falsehood or the outcome of hallucination. Thousands of Christians take this line. Apparently unconscious of the illogical position they assume, they will assure one that they accept without a shadow of doubt all the statements of the Bible as to appearances after death and other spiritual phenomena, and in the next breath will label an ever-accumulating mass of testimony in regard to similar present-day phenomena as fraud or delusion".

Those same Christians have the audacity to refuse to accept the fact that a person ordained by a denominational church or legal religious association such as the NSAC or the SCC, that are chartered in there countries state, providence and federal capital is as legal as there own denominational minister's ordination. In 1893, The National Spiritualist Association of the United States of America was incorporated in Washington D. C. as a religion.  Even though the NSA has had a couple of name changes over the years, it remained an incorporated nationally incorporated religion.  Through out the world other Spiritualist associations were incorporated in there national capitals as a religion.  Spiritualist churches and associations don't have any dogmas or creeds that their ministers and congregations are required to accept and practice.  However, Spiritualism does have suggested seven principles (that if a member so desires) that are recommended for one to practice.

The narrow mindedness and the god complex of certain people through out the centuries have been the cause of wars and the killing of millions of innocent people.

In 328 C.E., the Catholic Church was established under the directorship of Emperor Constantent.  Constantine gave the first pope of the church power that was next to his. This fact has given the church the power to determine the life and death of millions of people throughout the world.  In Mexico, under the blessing of the church Cortex massacred millions of natives just because they refused to accept Catholicism. Those millions were considered to be heathens and had to be disposed of.  The Protestant church did the same thing to millions of native Americans. It is a know fact that "absolute power corrupts absolutely".

History has proven that man, with his free will, can be extremely brutal and thoughtless of others.  When a person wants to serve his God in a church, regardless of whether it is Spiritualist or a Christian church should be allowed to do so as long as they are not trying to introduce a different theology than the church they wish to serve. If a person meets the churches requirements, then all should be well.

I am a fully ordained Spiritualist minister with the Spiritualist Church of Canada (SCC), the SCC was originally chartered as The Spiritualists' National Union of Canada.  "The Spiritualists' National Union (SNU) was incorporated by the Province of Ontario on 27 April 1929, and the Spiritualists' National Union of Canada, headquartered at Toronto, was incorporated by the Government of Canada on the same date.  The SNU of Canada was originally affiliated with the SNU of Great Britain.  In 1974, the SNU of Canada amalgamated with the remaining churches of the National Spiritualist Association of Canada, Inc., which had been incorporated by the Government of Canada on 5 July 1928.  In 1978, the SNU of Canada changed its name to Spiritualist Church of Canada (SCC)".

Can anyone deny that an ordained minister of a legally chartered church/ denomination be denied there status under federal law as being anything but legal and without question? Can the legally ordained ministers of that association be denied their ordination by some other denominational pastor, minister, priest or pastor? NO. Under federal law, a legally incorporated denomination religion and church's ministers have the same status as any other denomination's ministers that was established centuries ago.

Even spiritual phenomena that has been investigated and proven by numerous scientists, university professors, non-Spiritualist ministers, a Supreme Court judge and millions of Spiritualists investigators leaves no doubt in the minds of those individuals that spiritual phenomena is real and that life does continue after the change called death.

So, with all the proof presented by millions of people that world over for thousands of years by non-Spiritualist and Spiritualist alike, still don't believe in spiritual phenomena, why? Why is believing so bad? I believe the source of the problem is the fear that the large denominational church has instilled in their congregations over several thousand years. The Bible is full of spiritual phenomena. The difference between Spiritualist phenomena and Biblical phenomena is the credited source of the phenomena.

The God of the Bible used prophesy, hand writing on the wall, dreams and other phenomena to instill in the heart and minds of the Israeli people of old that if they continue to do certain things, they would suffer the consequences.  The consequences were due to the breaking of Spiritual Law, not from a God of wrath.

Jesus came into this world to prove to man that God is a God of love.  It was never God's intent that His children should suffer for wrong thinking and acts.  The Spiritual Laws govern the universe, in the seen and unseen worlds, and all the laws have pros and cons associated with them.  This fact is all that the God of the Bible was trying to instill in His people.

Spiritual phenomena, ordained ministers are all governed by spiritual and physical laws. Laws that were established hundreds and even millions of years ago for the benefit of the universe and all there in. Who can deny the proof presented by history and the testimony of millions?  Only the ignorant and hard headed blind people of this world. 

Thursday, May 1, 2014

The Spiritualist Minister and The Bible

      One may ask if a Spiritualist Minister can preach from the Bible as denominational ministers or priests. The answer is a definite Yes! But, a Spiritualist misters normally gives what are called spontaneous spiritual talks instead of preaching a sermon.
A spiritual talk is designed to give the congregation something inspirational to think about after they leave the service, without preaching.  Preaching is defined as: "Delivering a sermon or religious address to an assembled group of people, typically in church". A sermon is: "A talk on religious or moral subject given during a church service based on a Bible passage".
     A person who attends a Christian seminary will take a course designed to teach him/her how to prepare and preach a sermon. The student will decide on a subject based on the Bible, research the subject by consulting several translations of the Bible, and/or a Bible concordance and often research what other ministers have written on the subject and then write out their sermon.  It is the goal of a sermon to teach Biblical truths as the minister understands it and try to present his/her truth to the best of his/her knowledge.
     A Spiritualist minister will often go into a church service vaguely knowing what he/she will talk about relying on spirit to give them the subject and inspiration to deliver the talk. However, some Spiritualist ministers will prepare a spiritual talk using the Bible or another sacred text like the Koran, the Vedas or even a Buddhist text.  So, a Spiritualist Minister will use the Bible on occasion to give a spiritual talk. However, they will not give a long drawn out sermon.
     A sermon can last from 30 to 45 minutes to over an hour while a Spiritualist's spiritual talk is not to last more than 20 minutes.  Spiritualist believe that all that needs to be said can be said in 20 minutes instead of a much longer discourse.
     Long drawn out sermons are often a blockage for many people and most people don't want to be preached at, but to be given something from the Bible to think about in a short period of time.
     It seems that people today just don't have the time, or want to take the time, to sit and listen to a long drawn out sermon.  People want the minister to get to the point and say what  they have to say and then close the service.
    Can a Spiritualist minister preach from the Bible, yes, it is only one book that a Spiritualist uses to teach a lesson that is for the highest good of the listener.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Spring Time

Can there in any season that bring us so much as spring? That time of year when life in the Northern hemisphere starts to awaken. The snow is melting exposing the browns, blacks and other colors of the earth.

The trees are budding and the gift of the maple tree is ready for wide eyed children and the elderly alike. The sugar shake, the horse drawn wagons and the many trees with buckets hanging from them.

I've watched the squirrels playing in the snow all winter chasing each other up and down their trees as they go for their stash of winter food. What a delight!

Like so many, I look forward to seeing the flowers of spring forcing their way through the thawing earth as they search for the warmth of the sun.  Not only does the earth awaken but all life in general. We look for the day when we can retire our snow shoes and winter coats and just enjoy being out in the warmth of the sun.

Spring is also a time when those of us afraid to slip and fall on icy sidewalks can now get out for a safe walk and go to church to be with friends once again. The snow birds are returning from Florida and the robins and those pesky gulls. It's ok mister gull I know you have a right to be here as you are a part of God children of the air.

Dig out those spring closes, dust off the roller skates and get ready for summer vacations and lots of friends gathering around the picnic table. It's a time of sharing with special friends and family.  How about a softball game or a friendly game of football. Let's go swimming? Or maybe to grandma's for some special family get together.

We have so much to be thankful for and Mother Natures seasons have there special offerings that delight us and challenge us in many ways. Let's get together and have some fun.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Remembering Heaven

(My thoughts on the book by Roy Mills titled "The Soul 's Remembrance".)

Have you ever wonder if Heaven really exists?  Have you wondered if you are qualified to go to Heaven when you die? I also wonder about whether there is an afterlife for me or not.

The older I get the more curious I become as to what Heaven is really like and if there is one. I even have a lot of questions as to what my physical life was meant to accomplish.  Did I come to the earth plain just to have a somewhat painful childhood?  Did I come hear to teach kids from 12 to 75 electronics. Is there more to life than just trying to live from day to day the best I can? I believe that the real reason for my earthly life was to learn how to love and be loved.  It's been difficult learning how to love myself and others because I received so little love as I was growing up.  Maybe that's why I feel so strongly for people who have so much less than I have.

The majority of people in this world have had very trying lives.  They experience trials and tribulations that are far more devastating than anything that I've experienced, and yet, as Roy Mills says that "problems help us to grow. Through problems and being able to solve them as we use our free will helps us to grow spiritually".

I think about the people living in slums, displaced by wars and those who have to dig through garbage hips looking for something edible just to survive.  The people also search for something they could salvage and sell hoping to be able to buy something to eat.  Why do people choose such a pathetic way of life?  Then I remembered the story that Roy Mills talked about in his book titled "The Soul 's Remembrance", he was told that we all have free will, a gift from God. It is because we have free will that some spirit people preparing for a physical life believe that being poor well provide them with greater spiritual growth.  It is a personal choice that they make before incarnating. The most amazing thing is, they accomplish their goal, they do grow spiritually in a way you and can not imagine.

Roy talked about the life he was embarking upon in this physical world and its hardship and pain, the life that he was shown while still in Heaven. Yes, he was shown what his life would be like in the physical world.  He was also told that the things he observed could be changed by using his free will. By using his free will he could choose not to make wrong choices and suffer their consequences, it would be up to him.  But one thing that Roy talked about is the fact that he would forget all the things that he was shown of the physical life he would experience while he was in Heaven after he incarnated.

Roy said "Forgetfulness is part of God's plan, because if we could keep talking to angels and remember Heaven every waking moment, we would limit the earthly experiences we are meant to have by constantly choosing what is right.  And so much of what we must learn and experience comes from making the wrong choice and suffering because of it. We must have the innocence and experience of childhood in order to gain knowledge and grow.  And sometimes those experiences are painful. The most important part of every earthly mission is that growth often comes from our most bitter trails".

Roy even talked about meeting God during his preparation to incarnate.  Roy asked God to allow him to remember his life in heaven and be able to tell humanity what Heaven is like.  Roy described heaven or the Spirit World as being "very bright, filled with white light. Even the people and angels there glowing with the same pure light. In fact, everything in heaven radiates light. It is impossible to accurately describe heavenly things with earthly language, because there just aren't words to describe them. Heaven is far more beautiful than a person could ever imagine.

While in heaven he asked the angel, who was preparing him for life in the physical world, about what happens to those people who make wrong choices called sins. He was happy to hear that "The Spirit Father never turns anyone away once their earthly lives are over, because we are His children, and there in nothing we can do to make Him stop loving us. He wants all of us to come home. But He also honours the free will He gave us". Even though "Some people choose to live in the darkness after they die, and are afraid that God will not forgive all the sins they had committed. When that happens, God does not force them to come back. He just keeps loving them, hoping they respond to His love and choose to come home. The choice is always ours".

While I read Roy Mills book, I re-read the first few verses of the Book of Genesis and noted that it says that "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth". Then I remembered the words of Christ who said in John 14:2 "In my Father's house (heaven) there are many places to live in; otherwise I would have told you. I am going now to prepare a place for you".  As a Spiritualist I have read a number of books that talk about the Spirit World/heaven and the fact that God has prepared a place for you and me. We are all going to heaven to occupy one of the many rooms-places to live in that Jesus talked about.

After reading a number of books on the afterlife, I have come to the conclusion that heaven does exist and that we all go there when our physical lives are over. Like so many people in this physical world, I wish I could remember heaven as Roy Mills did. But I'm satisfied that I've done the majority of tasks I planed on accomplishing in this physical world and that God has prepared a place for me and I'm going there when this old body says good-bye to me. There are a few more task for me to complete before I go, then I'll remember heaven.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

The End Time or Not

Spiritual Illumination
The End Time or Not

As I write this article, I have in mind to express the fact that man has been endowed with the gift of clairvoyance and Clairaudience since man first step foot on this planet earth.  It is also my desire to express the fact that there will not be a great day of judgement as the Christian church has claimed for many centuries.

Another point I want to make is that God is a god of love not a vengeful God. As Tony Bisson says, "Revelations (the Book of Revelation in the Bible) urges from the very beginning recognition of the fact that "the time is at hand" - the time is near, not at some time long in the distant future. This message is about soul development or its undesired opposite, involution, directly relating to the death of the physical body. It is a warning that there will be accountability regardless of whether man has beliefs or a lack of beliefs - everything is revealed in the book of each one's life - motives, deeds and omissions. The laws of God work on the soul with precision. As you are only too well aware, the change we call physical death simply means the shedding of a material body, the "person" remains exactly the same: "He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still"

The Book of "Revelations is not about the end of the world, it is not about some wrathful avenger enjoying a slaughtering spree, it is about the end of the world for each individual on earth at the death of his or her physical body: Christ is the resurrection and the life: Believest thou this?"

The following paragraphs were taken from a book written by Anthony Borgia titled "Facts".
Borgia was a gifted medium who had the privilege of channeling the words of Monsignor Robert Hugh Benson who lived on earth from 1871 to 1914; he was a son of Edward White Benson, former Archbishop of Canterbury from 1883 until his death in 1896. Borgia says that met and was a friend of Robert Benson from 1909 until his death in 1914.

Monsignor Robert Hugh Benson died in hospital 1914. Upon his passing into spirit, Robert describes how he was met by an old friend and colleague, who died several years before him, by the name of Edwin. The full name of Edwin is not given in the several books that Anthony Borgia wrote from his channeling of Monsignor Robert Hugh Benson's dictations.

In Borgia's book "Facts", one of the books Monsignor Robert Hugh Benson dictated, talks about the Bible and how it was misinterpreted by The Church. Those interpretations have never been corrected and are still expounded by the various Christian church today. Monsignor Robert Hugh Benson has tried through his dictations to correct his own former beliefs as a priest. He asked the one in charge of the spirit realm where he was to enable him to tell people on earth what the Spirit World is really like and what they can expect. Robert says "I was already beginning to perceive many things, the principal one of which, and that which touched me most closely, being the totally wrong attitude adopted by religion in relation to the world of spirit. The very fact that I was lying there where I was, (in the Spirit World) constituted a complete refutation of so much that I taught and upheld during my priestly life upon earth. I could see volumes of orthodox teachings, creeds, and doctrines melting away because they are of no account, because they are not true, and because they have no application whatever to the eternal world of spirit and to the great Creator and Upholder of it. I could see clearly now what I had seen but hazily before, that orthodoxy is manmade, but that the universe is God-given".

As I search for more information to collaborate the Borgia books, I found a Christian Spiritualist website with a number of articles written as they were given by the Christ messenger Zodiac who was a teacher in the temple of Jerusalem at the time of Christ, through the deep trance mediumship of Miss Winifred Moyes.

I have also included several paragraphs from a book written from "Man and Spiritual World by The Rev. Arthur Chambers".

I start by presenting several paragraphs from Anthony Borgia's book "Facts" concerning the transition of Jesus from the physical to the spiritual. However, it is important that the reader understand that what the Christian church has been teaching for years is wrong and needs to be corrected. In fact, the majority of creeds and doctrines of the Roman Catholic Church have been adopted by the various Christian denominations and rewritten to suit their own interpretations of the Bible.

What Jesus proved from his transition from the physical to the spiritual is of utmost importance for modern man. "The transition of Jesus, as far as the spiritual process is concerned, was exactly in accordance with the law that governs all transitions. The process does not admit of any alteration or variation, any modification or exception. The ‘death’ of Jesus and his speedy return in his spirit body to his friends demonstrated, to them, in the simplest and most convincing way, what he had himself told them so often during his earthly life. He proved to them beyond a shadow of doubt that man survives the grave, that ‘death’ means death of the physical body only; that the spirit body and the personality which it harbours are indestructible and imperishable".

"He proved to them that death does not end everything; that man lives on and on. He showed them that while man can utterly destroy the life that is in the physical body, and commit butchery upon that body, the soul of man cannot be touched in the same way. Man cannot lose his soul".

"There is no Judgment Day. Man, himself, is his own judge. His thoughts, his words, and his deeds, registered upon his mind, are his only judge, and according to how his earthly life has been lived, so will his place be in these lands of the spirit world Jesus clearly demonstrated to his old friends whom he had left behind that not only was life continuous and uninterrupted by death, but that it was possible and pleasurable and commendable and profitable for dwellers in spirit lands to return to the earth to visit their friends there, to talk with them, to help them and advise them where necessary, to continue the pleasant intercourse which the transition had seemingly disrupted".

"Jesus showed that it was right and proper for the one world to hold converse thus with the other. And he came right into the midst of his friends on earth and offered them the comfort of his actual presence. He practised exactly what he had formerly preached blessed are they that mourn, for they shall be comforted".

"Those companions of old did not, in their sadness, have to turn to dismal texts; they did not have to trust in some mysterious and inexplicable ‘faith.’ They were not thrown back upon ‘hope.’ They were not told it was the ‘will of God.’ Instead, Jesus came and stood in their presence as one of them, as he had done a thousand times before when he was incarnate. His visible tangible presence did what no quotations from ancient chronicles could do; it did what no abstruse theological disquisition could ever accomplish. It brought supreme comfort and joy to a dozen or more sad hearts".

"Jesus was the great exemplar of communication between our two worlds, yours and mine (Spirit World and the Physical World). He showed that with proper development and under proper auspices it is indisputably right for the two worlds to hold a normal converse through the exercise of psychic faculties in a normal rational way".

"Jesus, among others, pointed the way for all mankind to follow, but Orthodoxy will have none of it. Communication with the Spirit World is devilish and damnable, and no good can come of it. The whole thing reeks of hell, and if it does not drive a person mad, he will merely escape that to roast in hell for all eternity. None but evil spirits come back to earth, and they do so for the purpose of dragging down to their own filthy level those who are foolish or misguided enough to ‘dabble’ in such pernicious practices. It is all necromancy; a calling-up of the dead. The good spirit will not come. If any claim to be a good spirit, it is a devil masquerading as an angel of light. What unutterable puerile nonsense! And what colossal ignorance!"

"There will be some—perhaps many—who will affirm that not only am I a devil, but that I am the very Prince of Darkness himself. Let them think so if it gives them an satisfaction. There are others, far, far greater than I am who have been regarded as demons from the realms of darkness, so that therein I find myself in good company!"

‘Thy Kingdom Come’

In an earlier chapter the writer discussed the Lord’s Prayer, "I suggested that I might be able to throw some light upon the joint relationship of our two worlds, and which might be, if you choose so to regard it, considered as giving some substance to the words Thy kingdom come".

"The theological idea that the request is supposed to embody, namely, that God’s spiritual kingdom may come to be spread throughout the whole world, is as vague as most theological ideas usually are. In fact, Orthodoxy has no clear notion in its mind as to what this clause in the Lord’s Prayer can really mean. It has a pious sound and a truly spiritual ring about it, and it can obviously do no harm to retain the words and repeat them".

"The words have recurred to my mind a number of times since I first came to dwell in these lands  many years ago. In the spirit world, the Father of the universe is regarded as the King of Kings. But things are very different here in the spirit world as compared with the earth. We are forever seeing evidence of the Great Spirit of all. Indeed, in these realms, and in many, many others, it is impossible not to see such evidence. It lives with us, and we live with it. But such things are not evident to earthly minds. How, then, according to the terms of the Lord’s Prayer, was that kingdom to be extended to earth?"

"Let us go back a little while in history. What is most important is that the people of the earth world are totally unaware of the spirit world that is existing round about them. It is only the comparative few, whose psychic faculties have been developed, who have any perception of the great world that is unseen to other folk".

"Now, from the beginning of time upon earth it was never intended that our two worlds should be thus separated by any barrier. Primitive man, as the early inhabitants of the earth are called, was not shut off from his brother in the spirit world in such a wholesale fashion as are you today".

"Primitive though he may have been, primitive though he was in the eyes of today’s earth world, yet his psychic talents were more highly developed generally, and were not confined to a relative few, here and there. The exercise of such powers was widespread. Yet man of those times is".

"The process of civilising the earth has had the effect of reducing in enormous proportions the possession of any psychic faculties at all. Thus our two worlds have become more widely separated until those who possess any psychic powers are in the minority. They are the exception and not the rule. Man has paid the penalty for thus casting aside what he was meant to have and to use as his natural right upon earth, namely the power and ability to exercise those extra senses with which the spirit world could communicate with him".

"The troubles of the earth have been brought upon man by his ignorance and folly, not by his supposed ‘sinfulness,’ as some claim. The church talks about the Great Day of Judgement but, Robert Hugh Benson says that there is no Judgment Day. Man, himself, is his own judge. His thoughts, his words, and his deeds, registered upon his mind, are his only judge, and according to how his earthly life has been lived, so will his place be in these lands of the spirit world".

"All people possess the powers of medium-ship inherently. In the majority of folk they want developing and bringing out, and regulating along adequate lines so that the best may be made of them, just as the artist and musician, shall we say, must develop his abilities by working upon the right lines. There is nothing unhealthy or morbid in such things because they are natural to man. It was intended that they should be so from the beginning".

"The Bible bears very clear testimony that man, while still an inhabitant of earth, possesses, at least, two wonderful super-physical faculties. It shows him as capable of seeing and hearing realities external to himself, which are invisible and inaudible to those who are only seeing with the physical eyes, and hearing with the physical ears". (Man and Spiritual World by The Rev. Arthur Chambers)

"These interior faculties to which we allude are known as Clairvoyance and Clairaudience". The following is an extract from an Address called "The Next Stage" (13th March, 1927) given by the Christ messenger Zodiac who was a teacher in the temple of Jerusalem at the time of Christ, through the deep trance mediumship of Miss Winifred Moyes.

"One or two instances of each of these phases of manifestation must suffice. The reader, when once started on the right track of thought, will see that the whole Book is one long record of man's clairvoyant and clairaudient power".

"This spirit-body is the envelope of the spirit. The latter is resident within it, and never exists apart from it. The spirit's envelope is not a gaseous, formless entity, but a body. Not, indeed, a compound of gross matter, but a composition spiritual in its nature, and organised. It possesses shape as well as faculties of sight, hearing and speech, and probably other faculties. In this respect there is a correspondence between it and the coarser physical body—its earthly enwrapment. St Paul noticed this correspondence, for he mentions 'celestial bodies and bodies terrestrial' (1 Cor. xv. 40 v.)".

"A friend, ordinarily so practical and unimaginative, positively asserts, in spite of our smile of incredulity, that a brother, thought to be alive and well at the time, was seen by him at the very hour at which (as he afterwards learned) he had died in a distant part of the world".

"Two ladies—sisters—were one summer afternoon sitting at needlework in a drawing-room in the suburbs of London. Happening to look up at the same moment, they saw, standing in the centre of the large room, a fair-haired little girl, who after a minute or more vanished. Both ladies were intensely astonished, and found that their description of what each had seen exactly tallied. They there and then made a note of the day and time of the appearance".

"Four weeks later the mail from India came in, and brought them a letter from a sister who had married abroad and had not since been home, informing them of the sudden death of her little child, and enclosing a photograph taken a few weeks before she died. The two ladies immediately recognised the photograph as that of the child they had seen, and, moreover, the hour mentioned by the mother, as that at which the death had occurred, corresponded (after allowing for the difference between London and Indian time) with the memorandum they had made".

"Two years ago, I was visiting at the bedside of a middle-aged man, who was dying of consumption in one of the infirmaries of London. On the day before that on which he passed away, at the close of a long conversation, during which I noticed his intellect seemed to be particularly bright, he said to me, 'You consider, do you not, that my mind is perfectly clear?' I assured him that I had never known it to be more so. 'Very well, then,' he continued, 'now I want to tell you what occurred last evening. But, first, you must understand that I was neither dreaming, nor under a delusion. As I lay here, my father, who died some years ago, stood in the place where you are now standing and spoke to me. He told me I had only a very little longer time to remain on earth, and said that he and other dear ones passed away were waiting to welcome me into the Spiritual World. I tried to raise myself in bed, in order to attract the attention of the nurse who was at the other end of the ward. I thought you might still be in the building, and I wanted her to send for you, that you, too, might see my father. I suppose the effort to raise myself must have been too much for me, for I slipped back on the pillow and felt I was fainting. When I opened my eyes again I looked for my father, but he was gone".

"There are two ways. We can reject the testimony, and in so doing brand a great body of our fellow-creatures (probably including some of our own family and friends) as deceivers, prevaricators and dreamers; or we can accept the testimony, and, after having made every allowance for exaggeration on the part of some, can find in it the consentient voice of Man proclaiming that the Word of God is true".

[ Monsignor Robert Hugh Benson was originally ordained as an Anglican priest, but later left the Anglican Church to become a Roman Catholic priest.]