Friday, December 30, 2011

Spiritual Awakening

Spiritual Awakening

I have been thinking about what it means to be spiritually
awake and have not yet figured out what that means. I have been
going from one Internet site after another looking for information
that will explain exactly what spiritual awakening is all about.

The closest I came to finding an answer talked about being a
Christian and all that has to it. But, being a Christian is only a very
small part of what it means to be spiritually awake. One site talked
about the attributes of a spiritually awake person in a paper titled
“The Purpose of Life is Spiritual Growth”. I can agree with this
statement but still it is only a title to a paper. Within the paper it
gives a statement about the fact that there are two types of people
in this world. One is the materialist minded person and the other is
the spiritually minded person. The paper says that a person with a
“materialistic mind is greedy, selfish, competitive, cold hearted,
deceitful, unintelligent, close-minded, ill mannered, unfriendly,
easily addicted, overly emotional, easily angered, revengeful,
vicious, barbaric, inhumane and war like. They are destructive
through their thoughts, words and actions”. The paper goes on to
describe the “spiritually minded person as being generous, kind,
helpful, cooperative, loving, forgiving, caring, considerate,
compassionate, patient, calm, honest, intelligent, logical, open-
minded, friendly and peaceful. They are constructive through their
thoughts, words and actions”.

How many of you would describe your self as being a
materialistic person with all the characteristic of that kind of a
person? Very few of you I’m sure, but do you not display those
kinds of attributes from time to time? You could say, “I’m only
normal” and you are. We all present to the world both kinds of
mannerisms and we are both materialistic and spiritual people.
Some of us believe that we are more spiritual than the other, and
that’s OK.

Now, what can we do to become totally spiritually awake?
Well, I think that the description above of the spiritual minded
person tells all. We can be that kind, generous and loving person
we claim to be 24/7. It only takes a little mindfulness to make it
so. Keeping in mind those attribute that make us a spiritual person.

Ok, you are a spiritual person, so what do you do to prove it?
Do you work with the sick and dying? Do you go to church and
pray for all the non-Christians in this world? Maybe there are
other things you do that you believe proves that you are a
spiritually awakened person. Or, maybe you just think about all
that without doing anything… Maybe…

I want to be a totally awaken spiritual person and I want you to
awaken also. We can change this world from being totally
materialistic to be spiritually oriented world in 2012. 2012 will be
a year of change, a transitional world into the higher aspects of the
spiritual life. You and I can be apart of that. We only have to
make up our minds to be so by promoting to the world that we are
indeed a spiritually awaken person.


2011 is almost over and we are all looking forward to 2012. 2012 will be a year of change for everyone. The war in Afghanistan will end and all foreign troops will leave. But, what has that war been all about and what are some of the other changes I'm referring to? The reason for Afghanistan is a question that only the governments of the world can answer. It does seem to have been a waste of time, men and money. However, all wars that the U.S.A. and England are in provide those countries with a greater opportunity to develop their war machines.

When I was working as an electronic technician in California the "cold war" and the war in Viet Nam was in full swing. The various companies I worked for would bid on government contracts that had two purposes. One was to develop weapons that could be used in the environment of South East Asia and second to provide work for people. I worked on those government contracts knowing very well what I was doing. I had to work in order to provide for my young family. However, the companies I worked for were not developing equipment that would be used to kill, but to inform. Inform the troops that the enemy was on their way. Later on when the contract was complete the company would lay off everybody while they bid on other contracts. In the mean time I was out of a job and had to look for another company that was hiring. You see, the only way the federal government could keep people working and the economy advancing was to develop their war machine. With each war a country learns more and is able to develop greater weapons of mass destruction.

At the same time that the wars were going on, NASA was developing space fight. I worked on contracts with the Jet Propulsion Labs who were developing solid propulsion engines. I never learned what the engines were being developed for but it was a great job.

I have had a long career as a technician and was able to use what I learned as a teacher. I was able to teach my students how to deal with potential employers and other technicians. This turned out to invaluable for the technicians.

You might think that since I retired in 2005 that I would stop learning. Well, being retired has provided me with an opportunity to learn and share even more with others. I share by writing articles for this Blog. Those articles then find their way into book form. I now have produced two books. Book one is as complete as I can make it while book two is printed and available, I consider it as a project in development. Copies of both books are available to those who would like to have a copy.

Returning to the original subjects of this article, the second part I have not talked about as yet. So, what kind of changes is the world in for in 2012? I believe as I have already said that the war in Afghanistan will end and the governments of the world will then be concentrating on other things, like, the environment and global warming. The developing space fight that will make all that we have seen in the past look like toys. Toys that took the world to the Moon and Mars, and space flight to the stars is what is coming. (You could have guessed this much already.) Yes, NASA has already developed space ships that have the potential to take us to the outer most planets in our planetary system. There are a number of men and women already being trained for that. It only takes money to bring it all about…

In the 1960s, NASA scientists and engineers advanced science fifty years into the future. That development has been going on ever since. The things that we are seeing in our stores today were actually developed fifty years ago. The U.S.A. Patent Office has had presented to them; inventions that are so far ahead of their time that if patents were given on them, their would be billions of people out for work each year instead of just a few million.

The weather will continue to change at an alarming rate and the scientists will be scratching their heads as to what to do about. To their dismay, they will be able to do little to stop what nature has started. Even though nature makes constant changes, the changes are cyclic. When the scientist look at core samples from the ice at the north pole, and soil core samples from various places on earth, they find evidence of those changes. Weather change will increase in rate and continue for many years to come. The world Will Not end in 2012. December 21, 2012 is the end of the Mayan long count calendar, nothing more. With that being said, it is a fact that dozens of men and women, over the centuries, have predicted various "end of world" scenarios. The world was to end a thousand time in the last five thousand years. Even Jesus predicted an end. Can we believe it? That is up to you to decide. The trends have been evident for a long, long time. However, according to what spirit sees, their will never be any kind of "end to man kind" or the total destruction of planet earth. Man will exist on this planet for at least another two thousand year and provably a few thousand beyond that.

Science will continue to make discoveries and even develop, in their accelerators, "black holes". They will produce many things that will continue to prove the theories of Einstein and others. You and I are living at a time in history that is beyond belief as far as scientific development is concerned. We will see the "Dick Tracy" watch communicator ready for are use in less than two years. You will see T.V. set as large as a 10' x 10' wall in the next two years. Will we be able to purchase one? Maybe, but they maybe far too expensive for us for a number of year to come. All the things that were predicted seventy years ago and were science fiction at the time will find their way into our lives. We will find that we are able to accept these new things as though we have had them for hundreds of years.

Yes, 2012 will see more changes in one year than all the previous years; something to look forward to.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Did You Hear Me?

Did You Hear Me? How many times did your mother, or some one else, say to you "Did You Hear Me"? If you lived in a household like mine, you heard that more often than you liked especially when you were a teenager.

Now, you’re 75 years old and people are still saying to you “did you hear me”? You say to them “don’t yell at me I’m not deef. Oh yes, you are not deef nor have you ever been, you’re only doing what you have done for years. It’s called selective hearing. How many of us use selective hearing in our daily life? How many of us even realize that we use it as often as we do?

Maybe your words didn’t come out the way you intended them to be. So, when the person you directed them to just “tuned you out” and there you were, sitting with no answer and no response. You decide to try another tactic. You speak louder and then what happened? “I heard you the first time”, was the response. “Then, why didn’t you answer me?” “Because I didn’t understand what you were saying”. That’s another scenario that we seem to hear, far too often.

Intent: The true meaning of a communication. “I meant to tell you that you’re a jerk, but I didn’t say it”. Your intent was not directly expressed because to do so would mean that you would generate a big problem between you and the other person. Today, we have to be very careful of what we say and do. People, it seems, are looking for something to bring us down just to boost their own egos. Some people are always looking for ways to make other people believe that they’re important and that they are special. The reality of it all is that they are already important and special. There is no need for any kind of special action by the person to try and prove it.

Some would say that it is because of the fast pace of living and that we have so much stress during our workday that it spills over into our life outside of work. Whatever the cause, we must start being more alert to what we say and do. We are responsible for everything that comes out of our months and for sure, if we are not careful, it will jump up and bit us on the backside.

It is very important that we make our verbal intents known so that there is no misunderstanding. So that we will not have people saying to us Did, You Hear Me?